Chapter 10: Romancer

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^Dedication for making me an awesome DIMBFF t-shirt that I shall wear under everything! >:D

This one's a doozy. ;)

If I didn't know any better, I'd say I had Death's full attention.

"You're just like your father," I whispered. I was shocked I could even form a sentence I was so scared. "And if you kill him, you'll only prove it."

Death leisurely lifted himself off of Thomas, who was trembling visibly. Death's eyes had flickered to vibrant, astonishing emerald before morphing back to black. They were trained on me. I could have sworn a shadow of black lines danced underneath his makeup, tempting me with their obscurity.

Thomas flinched a little and Death's head whipped around. He shot daggers down at him.

"It's me you want. Not him." I started to back away.

Death turned back around, his white-coated nostrils flared and he stared at me. Leaning forward, he let out a low growl and started towards my body.

Thomas looked a bit thrown off that Death had just left him on the ground without finishing him off. His glacier eyes never left the giant monster with the dress down black coat as he drifted towards me. When Death was at least four feet away, Thomas gave me one last silent look before disappearing in what looked like a trail of fire.

I could feel his body heat.

"He's gone," I said. I honestly thought Death hadn't heard me say it. But then again, it was Death, and he just loved to not answer right away.


I was tempting the beast by continuing to stare him directly in the eyes. The emerald spark that had been within them was long gone, replaced by two endless black holes.

He can see inside your soul.

Death took another step towards me, but his gaze thankfully dropped to my attire. Quickly after his eyes lowered, though, I realized I shouldn't have been so appreciative. Death was eying me up like a fat kid eyed that solo, lonely candy apple in a candy store. His coal eyes started at my beat up converse, then drifted to my knees, my thighs, my stomach, my chest, then finally burning hot face. They left trails of pure heat lingering on my skin.

Death eyed my jeans again, his fingers drifting down the lapels of his jacket. It was much more intimate than it had to be. "You have too many holes in your jeans." If it made any sense, the entire sentence sounded like a hiss.

"It's a fashion. You'd know a lot about fashion, though, wouldn't you?" I know you're a model, I wanted to say additionally, because I know your secret, David Star.

His muscle twitched in Death's face and he took another step towards me. I carefully stepped back. It was that kind of game.

"That's a lot of blood on your sweatshirt," Death noted. His eyes were on mine the entire time. "I just can't really remember who it came from." I looked over his shoulder at Debora's brown tent and swallowed down a lump in my throat. Debora. Dead. Death was grinning like a piranha and my hands clenched."I guess that was partially my doing."

"You're disgusting."

"That blush on your cheeks say otherwise." My heart started to hammer in my chest. Death took another step closer. I stepped back. His nostrils flared. "Stop moving!" Suddenly, I wanted to stay. I didn't want to move anymore. Those large boots just kept advancing. Kept coming closer.

"Can't you just materialize and get me?"

His eyebrows, which weren't covered by makeup, knit together in a frown. "I could. It's not worth the time and energy." I almost believed the sincerity in his voice. "I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to talk." Ok. Liar, much? I knew he was lying and didn't know how. The bond? Because Death was my Guardian?

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