Chapter 16: ...But We Will Always Make The Heart Throb

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Chapter 16: ...But We Will Always Make the Heart Throb


It's our turn to perform and the five of us are already onstage. Bryde and Jude are just setting up their instruments and after they finish doing so, we can start our performance.

I glance at August. She looks distracted. I am getting worried because after the Killer Beat's performance, she keeps going into dazes and deep thinking like what she's doing now. I must know what's wrong.

"Hey, is everything alright?" I ask as I approach her.

"H— Huh? Oh, yeah. Everything's fine," she answers with a look of confusion in her eyes. She is really unfocused.

"You may not tell me, but I know something is bothering you," I say as I hold her hand. "Just remember, I'm here for you, okay? But for now, we have a contest to win, right? You were the one who told us that we can do this."

What I said must have snapped her back to reality. I feel her hand clenches into a fist inside mine. "Yes. I— I understand," she says and gives me a weak smile.

"We're done," Jude calls out to us.

I unwillingly release August's hand and return her smile. I walk back to the keyboard.

"Everyone, let's give a loud applause for the last band, the Heart Throbs!" The emcee introduces.

I sigh. I just hope that I comforted August somehow.


I am aware that I'm standing in front of so many people, yet I can't seem to see them. It is our turn to perform, but I'm still in shock and I find it hard to focus. I am searching my mind for an answer. Why was there sincerity in Graye's eyes? Was that look meant for me? I am very distracted, my emotions mixed and my thoughts scattered. I don't know what to think. Because I am so lost in deep thought, I don't even notice Ives approach me.

"Hey, is everything alright?" He suddenly asks, making me jump.

"H— Huh? Oh, yeah. Everything's fine," I answer rather unconvincingly.

"You may not tell me, but I know something is bothering you," Ives says and I am even more surprised when he suddenly holds my hand. "Just remember, I'm here for you, okay? But for now, we have a contest to win, right? You were the one who told us that we can do this," Ives continues saying.

Even with just a single touch of Ives' hand and the simple yet comforting words from him, my jumbled thoughts seem to get themselves in order. My mind is in a complete mess, but Ives quickly puts my priorities back together with his true concern. This four-eyed superhuman/alien can really be anything.

"Yes. I— I understand," I reply and smile at him.

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