Chapter 3: I'll Be Seeing You

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Chapter 3: I'll Be Seeing You


The devilish smirk is still on his face when he says, "I haven't seen you for a long time."

I raise an eyebrow at him. "Yeah, and not seeing me must be a good thing. It's even a better thing that I hadn't seen your irritating face," I tell him.

"Hmmm... not the shy girl like before, I can see," he comments as he sits on one of the empty chairs beside me, resting his head on his hand.

"Same arrogant bastard like before," I say.

"Tss. You really changed a lot. A different attitude, way of speaking- By the way, why are you in this school and what's with the boyish look?" He eyes me quizzically.

I'm wearing a blue polo shirt, khaki pants and a black cap with 'You Can Never Beat A Guy like Me' words written on it.

"The hell you care? Just go mind your own damn business," I reply and try to avert my attention back to my schedule.

"Oh, Ms. Goody-Two Shoes just cursed. Never knew you had it in you." He grins.

I glare at him. As I am about to say something and curse him more, someone butts in.

"Really? I just met her but cursing seems like a part of her daily speech."

Ives suddenly joins in our conversation. I just stare at him as he puts his book down. He stares at me back with an amused look on his face. He better warns me before he speaks anything. It's really quite surprising how a seemingly mute person suddenly speaks out of nowhere.

I maintain my blank expression even though I'm really irritated and angry. These two guys must really receive a punch each from me. They're both annoying.

"You don't know me anymore, Philips," I refer to Graye, ignoring Ives' remark.

A dark expression suddenly fills his deep gray eyes. "Tss. Like I give a damn care? I don't know you even from the start." He glares at me.

"What's with the tension in the atmosphere?" Bryde asks.

I do not even notice that the three idiots already arrived at our table and they are currently staring at us with confused looks.

"What are you doing here, Graye?" Tristan asks coldly.

"You seem to have a heated conversion," Jude says.

"What exactly is happening here?" Bryde questions.

"Nothing. I just dropped by to greet your new friend over here." Graye smirks and stands up. As he is about to leave, he leans in closer to me and whispers, "I'll be seeing you."

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