Chapter 22: I Don't Like Her

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Chapter 22: I Don't Like Her


I watch August as she struggles to carry all of her purchase, shopping bags mostly filled with food and some souvenirs. I know she bought more food than souvenirs because I kept looking at her for the whole time we visited the stores. Actually, the five of us just got out of the last souvenir shop.

"Woah!" August exclaims as she balances the tottering bags on her arms.

"I'll carry those," I say and scoop up as many of the bags she is carrying.

"You don't need to. I can manage," August tells me smugly.

"And you also don't need to be too hard on yourself. I can manage," I argue and then give her a smile.

She just scowls at me which I ignore. However, despite her scowl, her face gets all red. I smile and just walk ahead of her instead so she can't grab her shopping bags back.

I then remember the bracelet that's hanging around August's wrist now; the bracelet I gave her. I look at the identical one around my own wrist. I smile to myself. I wonder if she knows that I heard everything that strange woman in the shop said about the bracelets. I fully know that they are couple bracelets and I'm completely aware of what they symbolize.

"Hey, dude. What are you smiling for? You know you look stupid, right?" Tristan teases, giving me a rather strong tap on the shoulder.

"It's nothing. Don't mind me," I reply indifferently.

"You know, I'm starting to notice that you keep smiling ever since we met August. You are not like this before. Tell me honestly; you like her, don't you?" Tristan asks confidentially as he puts an arm around my shoulders.

"I don't like her," I answer bluntly.

"That was fast. I thought you will think first or something. You're lying, aren't you?"

"Believe it or not, I swear that I don't like her," I tell him honestly.

"If you say so." Tristan shrugs.

I just shake my head. I'm saying the truth. I don't like August, I really don't.


"You know, I'm starting to notice that you keep smiling ever since we met August. You are not like this before. Tell me honestly; you like her, don't you?" I overhear Tristan ask Ives quietly.

These darn idiots are talking about me. I really want to punch these guys right now. Then, what the hell? I'm very sure that Ives has no feelings for me. Why is Tristan asking such a dumb question?

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