Chapter 28: Twin?

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Chapter 28: Twin?


I still keep pulling down the hem of the white dress I'm wearing as I enter the gates to the Layce estate. So this is the date? I mentally slap myself for being assuming.

During the past week Ives and I never talked about the incident with Graye nor his asking me out on the following Friday. Speaking of Graye, I haven't encountered him for the whole of last week. Of course, that was the case. I kept avoiding any opportunity to meet him and I guess so did he, so our paths did not cross. Things went on smoothly. It was just the usual hanging out with my friends, jamming in our 'studio' and stuff like that. Well, it was fine until yesterday.


It was after class and I sat on a sofa in our studio, helping myself with a can of ice cream. On the other hand, my friends were just around me. Jude also sat on the sofa beside me, earphones on. Tristan and Bryde were brawling on the mat at our feet. Ives plopped on the opposite sofa, his nose stuck in a book as always.

"Hey, August. Would you also go to Ives' party next Friday?" Bryde suddenly asked, his hand pulling Tristan's ear.

I only raised my eyebrow at him.

"It would be the celebration of turning over their company to the heir," Jude explained.

"All of us are going. Well, you rascal-- " Tristan managed to say as he ruffled Bryde's hair.

Jude removed his earphones. "You're going too, right?"

I looked at Ives. He was still reading, seemingly oblivious to our conversation. I felt heat rush to my face. So that was why he would pick me up on Friday and had asked me to wear something formal?

"August, why are you blushing?" Tristan asked me. He and Bryde had stopped fooling around and were staring at me instead.

"Blushing? Me? Impossible!" I denied and faked coughing. "I'm just feeling a bit unwell, I think."

"What? Do you want to go to a hospital? I can take you--" Bryde started before Tristan smacked him on the head.

"Idiot! August is just feeling a bit sick," Tristan chided. "Let's call an ambulance."

I threw my spoon at them. "Both of you are overreacting! I'll be fine."

"Ignore those two like you usually do," Jude said. "So back to the topic, you're going to the party, right? Come on! You must go. You're one of us now."

"I haven't said that I'm not going."

Bryde tucked his knees to his chin. "So that means you'll go?"

"That's settled then! You'll be my date," Tristan said with a wink.

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