9.) Concussion

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Nickolye's POV

Having just thrown up all over the floor I definitely wasn't absolutely great so nobody could blame me when one of the twins crouched next to me, asking if I was okay and I answered rather snappily,"my ears are still ringing, I have an epic headache, and I just puked all over the floor. Do you think I'm okay?"

He cringed slightly at my tone of voice and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly,"sorry, the puking is partially my fault, humans don't generally do too well with shadow travel, but it was an emergency, I needed to get you out of there." He looked at me apologetically and the puppy eyes couldn't have been anymore convincing than if he was actually in his dog form.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair and was about to answer until I realised that my hand came away with blood on it and a hell of a lot of ash. "Uh...do you all have a bathroom here or..."

The twin which I now was fairly sure was Bruno saw the blood and his eyes widened,"oh my goodness, are you okay? Oh wait, you're not okay, right. We need to get you to the hospital ward immediately." He rushed through his words and pulled me to me feet as though I was light as a feather. My face burned in embarassment as I tried to avoid the inquisitive eyes of the far more fit male.

"No, no, stop. I'm fine, I promise." I'd had much worse dealing with the guys at school. He took a step back and raised his hands in surrender, I momentarily glanced at the scar running along the fate line of his left and and confirmed my theory that the brother standing before me was Bruno. "Okay" he replied though he didn't seem satisfied.

"N-now, where is the bathroom?" I tried to keep my voice firm ad I asked. He simply sighed and pointed toward one of the doors leading out of the room we were in. "Left, down the hall, 4th door on the right."

I nodded and began to walk toward it, but I didn't make it any more than five steps before my head began to spin and mh vision started to dim. I fell, only to be caught before I hit the ground.

"You're fine, my ass." I heard Bruno mumble as I was half carried a ways. Leaning on him, I hobbled mindlessly with him, not really knowing what was happening. I couldn't see very much and my limbs felt like lead. Everything seemed to be going far to fast for my brain, which was trapped in slow motion, to process.

At some point or another another person came along the other side of me and I was hoisted onto a bed. It was at that time that I passed out entirely.

I woke up at what I thought was a couple minutes later, but judging by the bright sky outside I could tell it must have been hours. The walls were stark white and the room reminded me of a hospital room, but knowing that at that moment we were literally in hell I didn't figure they had any medical institutions. So I assumed that this must be part of the medical ward that Bruno had mentioned.

The scraping of a chair against the floor caught my attention as Bruno, who aas sitting in it, scrambled to get up,"Nick?" He asked and I simply groaned in response.

He sighed,"damn, I'm so sorry, I was the one who told you to stay behind in the first place. If you hadn't been hiding you wouldn't have been so close to the explosion." He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly looking at me and I couldn't help but think it was cute.

As soon as I realized what I was thinking, my cheeks heated and I cleared my throat,"uh, explosion?"

He nodded in response and explained,"Severus must have allowed the information to leak and instead of having Nova there he had set a bomb as a trap. Poor Killian, he had been so sure she would be there."

Thinking of it broke my heart, his whole world seemed to revolve around this one woman which made me curious about both what she was really like and how they fell in love. I had never fallen in love before...okay, maybe slightly, but it was one-sided and horrible. That is a story for another time.

"What are we gonna do next?" I asked. Killian's only lead had fallen through and we were once again at ground zero. Bruno was about to respond when the door opened to reveal Atlas whole smiled at me gently,"hey, bro, how ya doin'?"

Having been dragged along to an unknown place, the brothers had tsken me under their wing and we had become a fairly tight knit group. Though my self esteem still wastes away any time I see either of them. I swear I look like a sickly twig (don't ask me how twigs get sick) compared to their fit appearance and I had yet to see either of them work out. So, of course, I assume it's all natural.

"I'm fine" I respond with a slight roll of my eyes,"I'm just a human, not a fragile baby bird."

They both chuckled and Atlas replied,"humans might as well be fragile baby birds to us. If I barely bump into you I'm scared that you'll shatter into a thousand pieces." Then he added, "You really need to eat more."

"Yeah, yeah, I know..." I reached up to run a hand through my hair, but the movement was obstructed by a bandage around my head. My nose scrunched in distaste and I began to take it off. Immediately Bruno bounced forward with an almost frantic,"No! No! Don't do that! You're supposed to keep that on at least all of today and possibly tomorrow."

I scoffed," don't be ridiculous, I'm fine."

"No." Bruno argued firmly,"those are the doctor's orders. You suffered a minor concussion from the blast."

I rolled my eyes once again to which Atlas commented,"you know, I heard that if you do that to much your eyes will get stuck that way."

I chuckled lightly,"If that were true my eyes would have gotten stuck a long tine ago." They both laughed at my words.

"Okay" I stated firmly,"now I'm getting out of this miserable bed."

Bruno's eyebrows creased with worry while Atlas shrugged,"okay, but get up slowly, don't hurt yourself."

I did as I was told and slowly sat up and moved my legs to the side of the bed. I had a dull headache but it was nothing compared to the throbbing that had occured last night. I took a deep breath and stood up, keeping a hand on the bed. After a couple seconds I seemed fine so I walked forward.

Once I was sure I wasn't going to pass out as I did earlier I turned to Bruno and spread my arms as if to prove a point,"see? I'm fine."

He chuckled and walked to the door,"what every you say, blue bird." Then he left the room apparently convince that I was no longer in need of constant supervision. I watched the door for a moment before my moment was interrupted by Atlas clearing his throat,"uh, so I haven't gotten a good work out in in awhile so I'm gonna head to the gym. You're pretty much free to roam as you please."

Aha! They do work out, I knew I wasn't crazy! I hid my revelation and nodded simply and watched him lrave before looking around the room and sighing. What on earth was I going to do in this place. Of course, my stomach immediately came to my assistance by growling loudly.

"Understood, to the kitchen we go!" Yes. I talk to my stomach like any sane person...

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⏰ Última actualización: Apr 14, 2018 ⏰

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