5.) The Light

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Nova woke up once again, coughing and sputtering in the darkness. Her lips were dry a chapped. She could taste the warm metallic blood that seeped through the cracks. Her throat was scratched raw from coughing and screaming.

The angel struggled toward one of the stobe walls, much to the protest of her sore and exhausted muscles. Reaching up, she clawed at the walls, ripping her already ravaged nails against them. She screamed up toward the small sliver of light at the top of the deep hole she was trapped in,"let me out! What did I do?! Is this the hell you gave to me Gabriel?!" By now her voice was raspy like sandpaper.

The days had slipped by in a similar fashion, she would wake, distraught, and try to claw out. Then, realizing there was no escape, she would sink into a state of depression, her tears would wet her cheeks and her body would crumble into a heap on the floor. Finally she would pass out due to exhaustion and the nightmare would happen all over again, a hellish cycle that she couldn't seem to escape.

She was laying on the cold floor when the creaking of metal pulled her attention to the hatch above. A bright light shined down on her, causing her to shield her eyes against the harsh berate. A rope ladder drops down and she is quick to cling on to it, knowing this is her only hope. Slowly but surely she is pulled closer to the top, unsure of what awaits her there.


Nickolye flinches as Killian throws yet another glass vase against the wall, shattering it. "Why haven't we found her yet?!" He excaimed impatiently.

They had been looking for weeks now for the missing girl. After leaving his house, Nick had been brought to hell by Killian. Here they met up with James and Colt and began their search. All clues pointed to Severus' involvement.

Turns out her Severus wasn't exactly going to make it easy on the group. After healing completely from the damage that Ravoka had done to him he got back into his usualy sneaky habits. He had disappeared months before telling his hired help that he was going on a business trip. Despite the team's effort he seemed to have simply vanished without a trace.

"Killian, calm down, rampaging about the castle is not going to find Nova." Colt remarked with furrowed eyebrows. "Now, with Severus declared a public enemy to all angels, werewolves, and demons, you can bet that vampires will be especially aggressive during this time due to their king being threatened." He talked strategically and methodically. Killian, on the other hand, was paying no mind. His mind was completely absorbed in the thought of what that yellow bellied b&stard could be doing to her right now.

Nick approached Killian cautiously,"hey, bro, don't worry we'll find her." He said rather surely. He had only met the people down here but they seemed to be a very tight knit group and looked like they knew what they were doing. Killian looked over at him, a momentary spark of hope in his eye before it snuffed out.

He huffed,"how do you know kid? You don't even know the man who took her." He shook his head frustratedly.

Nickolye scratched the back of his neck awkwardly,"...I don't know" he looked at the ground and began to walk away.

After a couple steps an intense pain jolted through his head. A white light flashed across his vision and he crumpled to the floor. His body was still, but his mind was very active. Suddenly the darkness in his vision cleared and he was standing in a dark stone cell. It seemed more like a dream than real life. A girl was on the ground crying nearby, he started to ask what's wrong before he noticed the fiery red hair and realized that it was the woman they were searching for.

"Nova?" He asked softly. The word warranted a reaction. Her head lifted and she stared past Nick in confusion. Nick rushed to her side,"oh my goodness, we've been looking everywhere for you. Killian is right he-" he looked around and realized none of the others were there. She jumped this time, looking wildly around the room.

The boy's eyebrows furrowed, why wasn't she looking at him."hey, calm down" he put a hand on her arm to try to calm her, but instead of meeting her skin it went straight through her, like an apparition. He pulled his hand back and looked at it scaredly, shuffling away from her. She didn't seem to have noticed the strange happening and had moved on fom her earlier shock. He stood up and looked sround once again, what was this?

He felt a pull in his gut and he was suddenly swept off his feet. The air was knocked out of him as he landed back into his own body, bright lights moved around him and figures hovered above him.

"Hey, bug eyes, we're talking to you" a voice made it through the cushioned lack of hearing. He focused to find that the voice belonged to one of the twin werewolves. Bruno...or was it Atlas?

He sputtered a response that sounded along the lines of "fftg b-bugmgh drsu"

"Hey, look, the kid woke up" the other twin called. The other adults came over. James spoke softly,"hey, you okay buddy? What happened?"

He groaned in pain, his head was throbbing with a migraine. Despite this, he was able to mumble out,"she's alive" before passing out once again.

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