2.) Risen

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Nickolye kicked yet another rock as he wandered aimlessly through piece of Heaven cemetery. He had has always been considered a troubled child and the fact that the cemetery was his favorit's hangout didn't help his reputation. He flipped his pitch black hair out of his face once again. Though he liked to spend his free time her, this was not merely a pastime visit but a hiding place. He hated his foster family and he had finally had enough and ran away.

Nick's head snapped up as he heard the distant murmur of searching voices. He saw the rays of flashlights swinging around the tombstones in a frantic dance getting closer with each passing second. Trying his best to stay quiet, Nickolye sprinted toward the one place he knew the people wouldn't look for him.

The old mausoleum stood foreboding before him. He almost turned back, afraid to enter, but the shouts were getting closer. Two large stone dogs stood guard at the entrance. Though he knew they were only stone he couldn't help but feel that the vicious creatures were watching his every move. Their strong jaws about to grab him and snap his neck easily.

The boy reached the entrance of the mausoleum, glancing towards the stone dogs nervously. To his surprise when he pushed on the vine covered entrance the door gave way quite easily. Nick quickly ducked inside and closed the stone door behind him carefully only moments before the searching lights flashed across the mausoleum.

Without the moonlight from outside, the room was enveloped in darkness. He fmumbled clumsily through his pockets looking for the lighter he always kept on him. Once Nickolye found the lighter he let out a breath of relief and flicked it on. Holding it out he found four torches along the walls. After lighting each of them he continues surveying the interior of the mysterious mausoleum.

The walls had paintings hung on them. All of them depicted a beautiful girl with long red hair and a soft, loving look in her silver eyes. In some of the pictures she had pearly white wings spread from her back. He assumed it was because the family wanted her remembered as a kind person, angelic.

Once he had gone around all the walls he moved to the center of the room where a beautiful marble coffin lay. It was ornate and the designs were amazing such detail put into the coffin. Her family must have been quite wealthy to go to all this trouble. He brushed away the layer of dust over the lid. He then read the words inscribed into the coffin.

              Died August 19, 2000
           Truly an angel fallen from
           Heaven above, for only she
               could have loved the

"Nova" he breathed out the name. His great grandmother had the very same name. Why did the grace not contain her last name or date of birth?"She died one hundred years ago today".

His hand fluttered to the chain around his neck. It held a silver wing studded with diamonds. The antique had been passed through his family for.....his eyebrows furrowed in thought. The necklace had been passed down through his family for nearly one hundred years.

Nick slowly moved closer to the side of the coffin and laid his hand over the top. He could barely hear his own voice as he re-read the last sentence of  on the lid."For only she could love the unlovable."

Suddenly a thump sounded from within the coffin causing to jump back and let out a slight exclamation of surprise. Slowly he made his way back closer again, the voice inside getting slightly louder and more urgent. He places his hands on the side of the lid and took in a deep breath before pushing with all of his strength.

The lid slid from the coffin and Nick cried out falling backwards to the ground doing his best to scramble away. A woman with long red hair sat up with a gasp gripping the sides of the coffin, her silver eyes flitting open. She could only be identified as the girl from the portraits on the walls. Nova.

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