6.) Spotlight

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As Nova reached the top of the latter she coughed and sputtered as fresh air entered her lungs, combating the coating of dust and grime lining her throat. She closered her eyes to the ridiculously light that she was now fairly sure was a spotlight.

A loud voice boomed overhead,"how is our dear little angel?" The sinister cackle that followed the line allowed Nova to identify the voice as belonging to the disgusting vampire king, Severus, but how could that be? She had seen him herself, lying on the cold floor with his throat ripped out by Ravoka. She dragged herself out of the hole onto the cold hardwood flooring. She could not see a thing around her due to the intense light that was kept directed at her face.

The voice continued with a menacing tone,"Oh, Nova, I've been waiting a long time for this....I want to show you what it feels like to be rejected and forgotten." Suddenly the light on her dimmed and she was able to see that she was standing on the gigantic stage of a huge theatre. Beautiful blood red curtains framed the stage and a scened was set up. Looking around she saw that it was the wishing well in heaven, how he knew what such a sacred place looked like, she had no idea but it revolted her that he would do something so horrid as to kidnap a person and then put it in alignment with heaven.

Finally, ger eyes drifted away, instead looking out, away from the stage. The red velvet auditorium chairs seemed to go on forever. In the balcony she could see the figure of a single man, sitting nonchalantly. At once she knew that it was the man who sat there torturing her with his brief, stinging sentences

Surprisingly another spotlight flashed on, but not on her. Instead, this light shined on one of the entrances behind the curtains. From this entrance a woman stepped forth into the spotlight. She seemed bright and angelic, her hair long, nearly reaching her waist. Her eyes were bright and a smile rested softly on her lips. She wore a gown of white satin that clung to her body then fell gracefully to the floor. A pearl choker wrapped around her neck over the dangerously low cut of the dress. Nova took all this in, but instead of a look of awe, her face was overwhelmed with horror.

Instead of noticing the gown or the necklace. Her eyes were fixated on the face....the face that belonged to her. The Nova look alike took know notice to the grimy angel in the middle of the stage underneath the dim spotlight. Instead she moved forward and spread her arms wide toward the audience seating, though there was no one there. She looked graceful and beautiful and Nova could feel her self dwindling away as she looked at her own frail, thin body that was covered with bloodstains and dry mud. She knew without even touching it that her own long hair was in dreadful tangles that were sure to never come out. Tears welled up in her eyes and she turned them away fron the other woman and looked up to where Severus no longer sat.

Her eyes scanned the seats searching for the monster of a man, but didnt find him. Though it wasn't long before she found out exactly where he was. A hand clapped over her mouth and an arm snaked around her pulling her back into an uncomfortable and cold body. She struggled only causing Severus to tighten his python like grip on her causing her to squeal slightly from the added pressure.

He lowered his lips to her ear and whispered softly, almost caressingly,"you see, my dear, while you are locked away beneath the floor. My new Nova will dance away on stage, only to be found and rescued by her knoght in shining armour."

As if on cue a man leaped on stage, a light immediately flicking to him. Nova struggled against her captor and screamed for help. The man that had entered was none other than Killian.

Severus released her and watched with evil eyes as she crashed to the floor before struggling back up and running to the man, falling against him, all the while pleading for help, saying his name over and over again. Instead of catching her in his arms and kissing her passionately as she knew her lover would have done. He paid no mind to her, brushing her off of him. Instead his eyes were transfixed on the woman who was still staring out into the empty auditorium.

She suddenly turned around and their eyes met. The Nova-look-alike let out a gasp of joy and ran toward the man who in turned ran to her, the met each other in the middle. The man took her by the waist, lifting her high making her seem as though she were flying before slowly lowering her down into his waiting kiss.

The tears that had refused to fall now rushed forth from Nova's eyes and she looked, unbelievingly, on this scene from her place, pushed aside on the floor. As the two beautiful people parted a strangled whispered managed to escape her lips,"Killian?". The man that looked so much like her beloved turned to look at the shell of a girl in a heap on the floor. He sneered at her mockingly,"you really think I ever loved you" he shook his head. Look at yourself. As if it had been staged there a mirror lowered from the rafters. It settled in front of her and she looked at the wretched reflection of herself just as she thought she was. Covered in muck and scarred all over from her attempts at escape. Her hair was a rats nest down her back and tears created wet streaks almost dehumanizing the face in front of her.

Just as she could no longer bear to look at her reflection any longer Severus approached her, his steps a quiet click against the stage. The mirror rose away from her as he criuched down next to her. Her eyes were cast down, fixed on the ground. He placed a finger on her chin and lifted it so that she looked up at him. Unlike any time she had ever met him his his blood red eyes, that had always been so cold and unforgiving, seemed soft and caring and his voice echoed in her ears like a beautiful symphony.
"Nova, that wretched demon is not good enough for you. He doesn't love you...but I do, I can care for you." His silver tongue weaved the lies into her mind like a serpent.

She faintly heard the fading footsteps as the man who looked like killian left the stage, meanwhile her own look-alike came closer to him.

Severus took Nova's grimy hands and stood, pulling her up with him. "My dear, I can make you beautiful." He motioned toward the woman in the white dress. Her eyes drifted over and she couldn't help but wished she looked like this gorgeous version of herself. She seemed to zhrink away in embarassment of what she looked like at the moment. Severus played on that and looped an arm around her shoulder comfortingly.

Completely forgetring that he was in fact her enemy, Nova burried her face in his chest which no longer seemed cold and uncomfortable, instead being to her like a safe haven against her insecurities. A hideous smile spread across Severus' face as his plan played out just as he had hoped. In one night, he had turned , in her eyes, from her worst nightmare to her comforter.

He nodded to the Nova look alike and she began to walk away, her skin rippling as she did so. Soon enough she no longer resembled Nova, instead she had short, jet black hair and grey, ashy skin that was covered in tattoos that resembled hex marks. She grinned maliciously as she left the stage.

Offstage she met her partner who had changed in appearance as well, no longer did he look like Killian, instead his dark skin tone stood in complete constrast to his white hair and his eyes glowed an unearthly yellow.
The two shapeshifters snickered as they left the two people who remained onstage, one scared and confused, the other soaking in the pride of having brainwashed the other.

Dun Dun Duuuuuun!!!

What will happen next? Will Nova fall for Severus' trap?
Will Killian find her? And if so, will she want to be rescued?
Tell me what you think in the comments, my friends

Love you all! mwah!😙

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