3.) Any House But That One!

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Nickoly looked up at the breathtaking woman as she looked around, obviously thoroughly confused. The nNova caught sight of the boy on the ground, but more eye-catching, the charm hanging around his neck. She opened her mouth to speak but this time no voice came forth. She did her best to crawl out of the coffin. As she made it half way out she reached her arm out toward the necklace before her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she fell unconscious.

Nickolye was frozen where he was, absolutely shocked by the turn of events. The only sound within the tomb now was his own heavy breathing. Finally he got the courage to shuffle to his feet and approach the dead but not dead girl. After nugding her slightly only to reveal that she was truly unconscious, he put a hand to her pulse and felt the rapid heart beat. He quickly did his best to get her up and laid her across his back to half carry and half drag her out.

The moment they exited the tomb the stone dogs outside turned toward them. Yes. They turned  toward them. Nickolye nearly dropped the girl out of fright. The dogs stood from their pedestals, looking at them closer they seemed to be extremely large Great Danes. They began to March toward is, as they did so the stone that covered their bodies seemed to melt and soften into real fur. By this point Nickolye felt that he had seen about everything and decided not to question it. Instead he questioned whether the dogs were going to rip him to shreds or not. They surprised him by instead coming up and sniffing slightly before helping to lift her up. In a few minutes she was draped across their back as they trodded along with Nickolye trailing behind curiously.

Nick's eyes widened as the dogs brought Nova to his house. Meaning his foster parent's house. This was not happening. He ran ahead and stood in front of the house, trying to block the way.

"You can't take her in there!" he whispered to the dogs as if they could understand him. One cocked it's head slightly as if in question.

"I'm practically a wanted man!" He spouted dramatically,"what do you think they'd do if I ran away then returned an hour later with a random unconscious girl?!"

He swore he saw one of them roll their eyes and continue around him. They waited patiently at the door and looked over at him expectantly. He kept running over what an idiot he was in his head as he slowly opened the door, wincing at the slight creek that echoed through the house.

It was as if the two beasts knew exactly where to go. They dragged Nova up the stairs and right into Nickolye's bedroom. He followed after them only to find a very surprised face staring back at him with tear trails running down her cheeks. His foster mother.
Okay, so I know this took forever and it's really short, but I'm just not doing very good at getting ideas and being in the mood to write. So you guys will have to survive with this for now.

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