7.) Atlas...No, Bruno

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Nickolye's POV

I hid behind Bruno as we approached a large haunted looking theatre pretty much in the middle of nowhere. Wait a minute....was it Bruno or Atlas?....sometimes I can't tell the difference between the twins. No, this one was probably Atlas. We got closer to the ominous building an- No, this was Bruno...or was it? Oh! Oh! Bruno has that little scar on his left hand, then I'll know for sure. I tried to peek over my nifty human shield at his left hand but couldn't see, because he held a Beretta 92FS pistol which I was fairly sure was military grade....but I wasn't gonna ask any questions.

Anyway, the explosion rocked the building...oh, oops, we need to backtrack a bit....I still couldn't figure out which twin's rather toned back I was leaning close to when we got to the door. Colt busted open a side door with one swift kick and I felt like I was in some sort of police invasion. We all hustled in and I immediately realized that the inside was way creepier than the outside. White sheets covered any furniture and a thick layer of dust enveloped my lungs just stepping into the desolate theatre. Along with that, silk curtains were draped everywhere backstage. Some sported long ragged claw marks and scratches. And if that wasn't enough an old song played in the background, you could tell the record was old due to the slight white noise it created along with the scratchy, out of tune song that played. I couldn't quite place the music, but everything about this place made it look like we had just walked into a horror movie. I could even feel Bruno's...or Atlas' muscles tense slightly at the scenery as though ready for anything that might jump out at us from behind the shadows.

Finally we made it to the stage, all of the spotlights were on, lighting up the extravagant space. The only thing seeming out of place here was the ratty looking redheaded woman laying in a heap in the middle of the stage.

Killian quickly rushed toward the figure, falling to the floor next to her, pulling her into his lap. His soft whisper echoed throught the empty auditorium. "Nova?" He sounded so desperate it just about made my eyes water. Hey, don't judge, I said just about.

I could just barely make out Colt's whisper to the Twin that was farther away from me. "This isn't right, everything has happened too easily"

Just then I heard a soft mumble from Nova's lips and Killian smiled kissing her sweetly, but almost as suddenly as he had brightened his eyebrows furrowed in a frown and he pulled away from her.

"Who are you?" He demanded darkly, placing a hand to her throat. I couldn't help but utter,"what the hell?" Didn't we come all this way just to find the girl and now he's threatening her. I looked at the twin right in front of me,"I swear, if this is one of those moments when the guys that everybody thinks are the good guys are the bad guys, I will beat the heck out of each and every one of you...or just be obliterated in the process of trying."

The boy, who I was fairly sure was Bruno at this point looked at me like I was crazy,"of course not...but I have no idea what he is doing."

"WHO ARE YOU?" Killian's outraged voice interrupted our conversation. As crazy as the guy seened at that point, he must have known what he was doing, because the girl that had looked so much like the beautiful redhead I had found at the cemetery gave the man with his hand around her neck the creepiest smile I have ever seen in my life.

"You don't recognise me baby?" She asked evilly, "maybe like this." I nearly jumped out of my own skin due to the goosebumps I got when this girls skin rippled and twisted, turning her into a completely different figure. The ashy, grey skin looked almost scaly under the intense spotlight and her now raven black hair had retracted till it was a short pixie cut.

Apparently Killian did recognize the woman, because he growled angrily, roughly pulling her up as he stood throwing her into the waiting arms of a couple guards who handcuffed her.

Killian sighed angrily and ran a hand through his dark hair exasperatedly. The poor man looked like he could vreak down any minute. He looked to the group and opened his mouth to give orders, but was suddenly cut off by the man that crashed into his side, sending them both across the stage. The two fighting males toppled off into the audience section where they could still be heard. Immediately, the men went to help their captain. The twin closest to me pulled me aside while the other went to join the problem.

My twin stuffed me in a corner behind some of the velvety drapes and pointed at me with a firm finger, "stay." Was all he said and I almost replied,(almost, but didn't),"bro, I'm not the dog". I refrained from saying the words due to my extreme cowardice. He ran off to join whatever fight was happening. I could hear the hisses and growls of the different creatures fighting. What was going on? I crawled out if my hiding place, peeking out into the audience. The girl had gotten free and was fighting rather impressively against the mass of creatures. Her equally vicious partner who had come to her rescue seemed otherworldly in the contrast his skin and hair held.

Though the were both obviously powerful and skilled, soon enough the mass of men and women fighting against them won, overpowering the two.

Just as they cuffed each of the shapeshifters a loud bang filled the theatre and a sudden heat overwhelmed me, darkness consumed by mind and I blacked out.
I woke to utter chaos, everything seemed to be burning and my ears rang loudly. Just barely hearing the yells of men, I groaned and struggled to move towards it. Suddenly I was pulled to my feet, an arm wrapped firmly around me, dragging me somewhere...I wasn't sure where...I wasn't sure of much at that moment.

It would only be later that I found out a bomb exploded near the back of the stage. Thankfully nobody was seeiously hurt, I had been the closest due to being placed in my hiding spot.

I tried my best to focus on the person pulling me, but all seemed fuzzy and incoherent. I couldn't quite make out what he was trying to say to me. 'Leap Joseph meow'? No, that probably wasn't it. Finally the two of us found another figure and the world around us seemed to darken and morph before straightening out into a completely different place.

Though I found myself in a well lit room now safe, I couldn't hold in the bile that rose in my throat and got sick all over the offwhite carpet. Could this day get any worse?

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