4.) The Devil's Return

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Lillith's gaze flicked back and forth between Nick and the overly large dogs carrying the girl on their backs. Her eyes were wide with shock. She sat on the edge of his bed her whole body tense. Then in one sweeping motion she came to him and wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into a right hug. It was as if she had completely disregarded any thought of the strange occurances that sat next to them wagging their tails. Her only focus was Nickolye.

She pulled away only to place her hands on either side of his face and looked over him. "Are you Okay?  I was so worried! You could have gotten hurt! What happened? Do you need anything?" She spouted out questions and comments in a flurry of concern.

Finally Nickolye stepped back a but, brushing her off of him,"I'm fine, okay?" He glanced over at the onconcious girl. "Umm, I-ah....I don't know about her though...I found her.....um...in the woods?" He said the last part sounding more like a question than a statement. Nobody would ever believe him if he told them he had woken this girl up from the dead and brought her home.

She looked over, definitely not convinced, but went along with it. She didn't want to risk losing him again. "Oh no, let's get her on the bed."

They both lifted Nova's limp body into the bed. Her hair was a blaze of fire against her pale skin. The dogs, at least Nickolye was going to call them dogs for now, stood at attention on either side of the bed as if once again guarding their charge.

"Um, I'll go call a doctor-"

"No!" Nick interrupted his foster mother quickly. He didn't want to attract any unneeded attention. "I mean, um....I think what she needs right now is just sleep or...something" he talked awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

Lillith nodded, still unsure of what to think about the whole situation. She motioned to the dogs on either side of the bed."so you found her in the woods, what about these...creatures?"

"I uh.....I went to the animal shelter and...got them." It was stupid but he had to roll with it. "I've always wanted a dog and their brothers so I had to get them both. I figured you wouldn't mind...."

She frowned,"I do, but that doesn't matter right now. Will you please come down and eat something?"

Nick groaned,"no, I'm not hungry. Can you leave me alone now?"

She seemed as if she were about to say something, but instead bit her lip and nodded, leaving the room with a sad look on her face. As soon as the door clicked shut a silky voice, much too coaxing, spoke,"now, boy, that is no way to speak to the woman who provides for you."

Nickolye jumped and nearly screamed. He turned around to see the shadow of a figure sitting in the window sill, the window open wide, allowing a cold breeze to enter the room giving the boy goosebumps,"who-who are you?"

"I'm just hear to collect what is mine, I'll take care of this darling thing from here." He stepped forward into the light to reveal jet black hair and pale, almost translucent, skin.

Nick didn't seem convinced,"wait, how do you know her?"

The man, if you could call him that, chuckled. "Obviously, she's my wife."

He smiled creepily, revealing two elongated fangs. "Now give her to me." His voice lost it tranquil tone and expressed urgent anger. He glanced toward the window as if he was being followed.

Nickolye glanced toward the girl, no wedding band found it's place on her left hand. He shook his head, what was he thinking, this wasn't his problem. He shrugged and stepped back.

"Ah" the man glided toward her, but didn't get far before being confronted by the two beasts which were now snarling viciously. He hissed back at them, but they didn't budge.

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