May 1st, 1923 part 1

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The Gardener is charged with protecting and nurturing the very life of every plant he is given guardianship to. He does not create life, but instead watches over them in a parental sense.

Taking out a clay pot, the Gardener sprinkles pebbles into the pot. He fills the container with fresh dirt mixed with fertilizer.

Once he is satisfied with the depth, the Gardener gently pokes holes in the fluffy mixture before inserting the much coveted seeds. With gebntle hands, he smooths over the surface. 

The Gardener gets up from his  crouching position and moves to wipe his hands on his pants. He hesitates, but only for a moment before continuing to clean his hands.


The Gardener needs water.

Picking up a metal wateringcan before stalking off to find a spicket. Once the Gardener steps out of the greenhouse, a spray of water smacks him in the face.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. Did I get you wet?" the voice said with fake innocence.

That voice.

The Gardener 's lips trembled in rage as his hand tightens around the handle of the watering can.

Slowly, the Gardener opens his eyes from his dripping wet hair.

There before him was the delivery boy from before with a waterhose in in his hands and a smirk on his face.

"You brat! Give me that. " the Gardener said in frustration as he reached to grab the hose out of the boy's hand.

While they struggled for control over the hose, they both ended up getting wet.

"Wow, that feels good." the delivery boy says as he lays on the grass. His dark hair shines in the sun as he looks up at the still angry Gardener.

The Gardener refuses to sit down on the grass as he holds the watering hose in his hands.

"Go away." The Gardener says as he sprays a fine mist on the boy.

The delivery boy just laughs. "Nope,  you're my last delivery for today."

"It's still morning." The Gardener struggles to stay uninterested in this boy's life.

"I have a social life outside of delivering mail, you know."

"Ah." the Gardener turns around and starts to walk away from the boy. He can get the water later.

"Wait!" The Delivery Boy scrambles to get up. "Aren't you curious at all?"

"Why would I be?" the Gardener sighs in frustration as he calculates how much time he has already wasted time on the boy.

"Like my name. I know your name is Kim SeokJin and that you literally live in your greenhouse. How come you're not interested in who I am?"

The Gardener gives the boy a bittersweet smile. "Have you've ever wondered why some flowers do not grow in fields but alone in pots?"

"What?!" The boy said in confusion. "I'm talking about people not plants!"

"Some flowers flourish in fields where there are identical replicas of them. While other flowers if placed in the same conditions would wither and die."

"Are you calling me a field flower?"

"In a way, I guess I am." the Gardener shrugs.

"Wow, thanks. I don't know if I should feel complimented or insulted." the Delivery boy rolls his eyes.

"Well, anyway. My name is Kim Taehyung. It's a pleasure to meet you Flower Boy." the boy smiles with his whole face as he shows his teeth with his eyes closed.


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