Epilogue 《9》

105 18 56

° Winter 겨울 °

Transported back into the barren world I began with, I couldn't help but feel sad. Will I ever see him again?

With a heavy sigh, I slowly walk across the abandoned wasteland that was covered in snow. The horizon seemed to stretch across the limitless sky that was forever in a dying state.

Quietly trudging through the sprinkle of snow that rested upon the cold earth, the sound of children's laughter echoed throughout the atmosphere.


Unfortunately, I recognized the owners of the voices.

"Sweet Memories. Broken Memories." I whispered as I followed the mesmerizing voices.

Aimlessly walking with no direction in mind, I stumble upon sonething slippery which causes me to fall. Landing on my knees, I brace myself with my hands as I look down at the crystal ground.

"What in the world..." I gasped as I looked through the mirror-like ice that reflected my image. Looking around me, I notice that I had stumbled upon a frozen pond.

Trying to be appreciative of the little things, I look back down only to be surprised. Instead of my reflection, the boy that I fell in love with stared back up at me.

Screaming from the shock, I scramble off of the round pond that acted as a mirror.

Almost like the golden orb I had given  the younger Yoongi.

When I gathered enough courage, I took a peek at the image of Yoongi and giggled with joy.

His blurry image bagan to move as if I was watching a movie. Seeing him smile again lifted my spirits as I gazed at his face once more. Tentatively, I reached out towards his laughing face, but was disappointed to only feel the cold ice beneath my fingertips.

At least I can see him.

Getting comfortable in my spot, I lean back to watch the scenes of Yoongi's life flash before my eyes as if it was a movie.

°Spring 봄 °

The sweet sound of bluebirds sang the song of our love as I watched Yoongi live his life with his friends. Evidently SeokJin was able to recover from his "accident".

At least one person's life was reversed.

I cheered for them when they all decided to follow their dreams and live their lives to the fulllest. I'm rooting for you, Yoongi.

The small pond had finally melted and the icy cold water felt refreshing as the gentle ripples carressed my bare calfs.

Cheerfully splashing the water, small minnows danced around me as I held my face up towards the warm sunshine.

A beautiful song began to play as his voice encompassed me with raw emotions.

"So far away..." I sang along as I imagined what his face looked like when he sang that pretty song.

Is it wrong for me to wish for more than this?

As time passed, I never grew older but I was able to watch as Yoongi's life unfolded. But not all of Yoongi's days were beautiful.  Whenever he was feeling down, the sky around me would become dim as if this world that I now lived in was only a small frament of his heart. Some days, a storm or two would appear which brought only fear.

Those were the days that I used the magical pond so that I could watch him.

It felt like torture to be able to see him but not be able to touch or talk to him like I use to. To be able to see him in pain, but to not be able to comfort him.

Love is cruel.

° Summer 여름 °

As the days in this world grew longer and the nights grew shorter, I began to grow restless. The warm water began to grow stagnant as I grew tired with....living.

I should be happy for him, shouldn't I? This is what I wanted...right?

Leaning over, my tears began to mix with the small pound creating small ripples that cascaded across the whole exterior.

I miss you...

Even the sweet taste of death is impossible here.


I tried.

Evidently, you can not commit suicide if you are dead already. But even though I am dead....my feelings are very much alive. I am left in an eternal state of sorrow.

Is this punishment for loving you?

° Fall 가을 °

When I watched you cry for the first time since we parted, I couldn't help but cry with you.

Only these tears were of joy.

You won your first award for the dream that no one encouraged you to do.
For the talent that many people bullied and taunted you for.
For the hard work many forgot or took for granted.

You worked hard while other people played or slept.

And now....and now...you have finally proven to the world that your dream was worth the fight.

You will meet a lot of people who will hate you for your success, but you will also meet a lot of people who will love you for being...you.

Eventually I will fade from your mind where I can finally rest in peace knowing that you are happy.

Thank you for remembering me.

Now...I have a request for you.

Forget about the pain that I bring you. Forget about the regret of what should have been. Don't let our memories hold you back from your dream. If memories of me only bring you pain then I give you permission now to

Forget My Name.


But Yoongi never did.

Remember My Name || Min Yoongi { Completed }Where stories live. Discover now