Chapter 14 | When A Mysterious Boy Saves You From Cracking Your Skull

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This is kinda rushed! I'm sorry! I try... But this is a surprise chapter since I was like 'I won't update till after Eid'. I'm such a liar.

Dedicated to @striving_muslimah since she's a fun person to talk to. :) Also, she's a great writer, Masha'Allah.


I want to get the hell out of this hospital.

Staying in this bed in a flannel hospital gown is getting tiring. I've stopped by not so long ago, and I've definitely frown upon the decision Ruwayda and her husband made to keep me here. They are so caring yet it's not right. They're money is going down the drain because of me. They have such sweet souls and I just thank Allah for where I am today. My condition could have been worse.

Before he left after visiting me, Harun gave me a phone. It was very expensive, I can tell. I tried to give it back to him, saying that I don't even remember the contacts on my phone. He simply said that I should use it to my best expense. I sighed and I dialed a number, possibly Zahra's. I desperately needed someone to call, especially my best friend. She's pretty much the only one I need comforting from.

But of course, it's the wrong number. I mumble a sorry to the other person on the line and take a few deep breaths after hanging up. "See, it's hopeless," I mutter, frustrated. "Zahra won't pick up."

"Zahra?" he asks curiously. "What's her last name?"

"Mahmoud," I say quietly. "Why?"

He takes a long, deep breath before saying, "She's my cousin."


"I'm not lying! How can you tell me who my family is when you barely know me?"

"How can you tell me that my best friend is your cousin? I would have known about you since you're so demanding," I respond.

He shakes his head with a smile. "Fine, I'll give you her number to prove she's my cousin, okay?"

I still don't believe him since it seemed impossible. Harun has a light bronze complexion, while Zahra has an olive skin tone. He has green eyes while she has brown. Her hair is straight while his is a mop of curls. Their resemblance is barely recognizable.

He hands me his phone that has a number and Zahra M. as the contact. I hesitantly dial the number on my own new phone and hold it up to my ear. It rings a few times, before I hear an unsure, "Hello?"

I can't reply back, since I am relieved and shocked that I heard her voice. I've missed her so much and we are finally talking. Well, almost. I hang up because I can't face the number of questions she'll have of me and my whereabouts lately. I don't have the heart to tell her what happened to me. Things are moving at a pace which I can't catch up to.

"Why did you hang up?" Harun inquires with an arched brow. He knows that I was eager to call her.

I close my eyes and take a sharp breath. "I just can't believe it's her. I've missed her so much, and I have numerous things to tell her. But I'm not comfortable telling her now." Harun still has a perplexed look, but I ignore it. "Anyways, thank you. But quick question: how are you guys cousins?"

"Her mom's side is Morrocan and her dad's side is Algerian. Her dad's side has a rather darker complexion than most Algerians. Anyways, Zahra inherited her mother's features mostly. Her dad's brother is my father. That's why we look a little different," he explains.

I nod and save Zahra's number on my new phone. I hear a knock from the door and the nurse who gave me meds earlier opens it slowly. "Miss McGrady, I think your visitor needs to leave. Doctor Grey will be here shortly to examine you." Examine me? It sounds like this doctor is a scientist and I'm his experiment.

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