Chapter 6

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The six Autobot mechs and the one human they have travel across the state of Pennsylvania to Chicago,Ohio. Searching for any sign or any lucky of their own kind being alive.

Little traces of energon have been spilled all over the city lead to offline Decepticons and Autobot.

And little do they know Ratchet was brought back with something not from the living world.

(Harp's POV)
It dangerous here, specifically when I find after I find out that decepticon still walk about. But I think I can manage specially when the twins refuse to allow me to even walk outside the stinking building we are in!

Sitting down on a couch that randomly place in the close off building allow for them to walk around. But I doubt that they would do that after I found out that army people been passing by from time to time. I took a gun with bullets to keep me safe while the mech are away.

Funny,I never heard of that term before but I know what it means.

Mech means male.

Femme means female.


Helm,head. Servos,hands. Pedes,feet. And of course my favorite of all is the word frag(fragging.)

I don't know how I know that but it seems that they are use to humans learning their curse diary.

Bumblebee even said it from time to time.

Ratchet too.

Creak. A wooden beam says moving with the wind. A storm coming causing stinking wind. None of the mechs are here with me so I have to wait.

Sitting on the couch with a gun on my lap watching the hidden entering place. My eyes gaze at the unknown. I knew that they are looking and I am here alone. This place is unsafe but so it the outside.

One of the bots were coming back in and it was....

"Hey Sweetspark!"Sideswipe.

"Hey."I said quietly sitting down.

He look at me not really energetic right now because of this place.

"How things out there?"I ask him and he actually show me something I have never seen before. "We found small pieces of the Allspark. We can't really touch can.Can you keep a eye on it for use?"he ask.

I gave a shock look,"Me?"I ask. He nod moving some kind of wrapping to me as it is set in my lap. He transform and started to head out.


I move a small part of the cloth seeing a metal or rock thing. It wasn't really big.

Slowly I move to a hidden corner and tie the things all together and held it close to my chest. I sat down in that spot waiting for the bots to come back.

'Let move!'a voice whisper.


Quickly I went to the spot Ratchet told me to go when humans came by.

A whole under a old dusty carpet allow a space under it be the escape tunnels to a near by building.

Moving my steps down the tunnel I could hear the voices talking above.

'I don't see anybody or bot.'a soldier said to his commander.

'I can see that as well soldier.Go to the building to the right and search. The All spark couldn't have gotten far.'commander said.

Oh! Sideswipe you are going to get it. When I find you I am going to wack you helm!

My feet go down a path of rocks as I light a match lighting my way towards the escape door.

Really there is no door but a rug going into a building. Climbing up I had the gun ready to shoot if have too. And I find Sideswipe and Sunstreaker's alt modes sweating off bolts. Oh! They better be.

I put the gun away and come up frowning. I worded,'You are in so much trouble.'. They kept quiet as I walk over and sat down watching the soldiers go away to a building about 17 blocks away.

Sideswipe was the first to transform,"I am-","Don't you sorry me!You knew that I would struggle to get thru that stinking tunnel."I said stopping him.

Crosshairs,Drift, Bumblebee, and Ratchet came back. Ratchet seem rather please for some reason,"I see that someone has the Allspark?"Crosshairs says kneel down to look at me. I guess I did but I rather not think about because..I nearly got caught.

The twins were expecting me to tell on them..I am not that kind of person. "Yeah,just going to question. Why?"I ask all of then as Bumblebee happily beep.

"Ratchet says that it is better to give it to the human than one of use because the human is mainly being protected right now. Which mean you."he said with different channels.

Ratchet nod,"Correct. Since you are the main focus of protection. The Allspark would be safer in your hands."he said briefly explaining. My head nod. Drift sat down sharping his sword.

I nod holding it,"I understand." I gave them all a simple words to show I care. These boots just said they would risk their Sparks for me basically.

Again with the words...

Spark? Isn't that their life source?

How do I know all this stuff!

"Good. Now pack you things were leaving this part of the city." Crosshairs said to me respectfully. I laugh now because my stuff it with Ratchet. And it doesn't need to be pack. He chuckle,"That is already done.".

And we're on the road again.

Traveling pass old broken city and building structures that have fallen down. I gaze at the sight of a body not far from use now.

"Ratchet stop.Scan that bot there."I said to him and he scan the bot laying lifeless on the ground.

"One of our old comrades.Jazz, shame what happen to him."he said.

To be counties....

"Hey Megatron,Megatron!You wanna piece of this!"Jazz last words.

"No,I want two pieces!"Megatron.

(In memory of our beloved Jazz...)


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