Chapter 12 - leaving

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The next day at school:

Mari-"omg so when you got home your sisters attacked you with hugs"
Alya-"yep pretty much"

Nino, Felix and Adrien comes in:
Nino-"hey dudes and dudets"
Alya-"hey Nino, feeling better?"
Nino-"yeh a lot, why did you miss me?" He said slyly
Alya-"what no"
Mari-"she did, she missed you a lot"
Adrien and Felix-"aww"
Alya-"do you guys want to die"
Felix-"yeh, but only after I get with Mari of course"
Mari started blushing intensely
Adrien-"anyway, where is luka?"
Alya-"on his way, he told me he will definitely be here today"

Chloe comes in:
Chloe-"hey Alya, I thought you hated Maribrat"
Alya-"what what are you talking about?"
Chloe-"you called me the other day saying you hate her"
Alya-"I'm sorry Chloe, it was just a dare from luka, Adrien and Felix"
Chloe-"oh thank god"
Chloe-"I thought you guys were actually fighting"
Alya-"what would you do if we were"
Chloe-"I would help, Maribrat has helped mine and Sabrina's friendship ship countless times"
Alya-"thank you Chloe that was really sweet of you"
Chloe-"well don't expect it again"
Alya-"ok Chloe" laughing

Luka comes in
Luka with a frown on his face-"hey guys"
Everyone-"hey Luka"
Mari-"luka, what's wrong?"
Nino-"dude something's wrong, what is it"
Luka-"I'll tell you all at lunch"
Mari-"ok then"

Lunch time:
Mari-"so what's wrong?"
Luka-"I don't know how to tell you"
Nino-"just tell us bro"
Luka-"ok I'mmovingoverseas"
Adrien-"say it a little slower"
Luka-"I'm moving overseas"
Luka-"next month"
Nino-"what, why didn't you tell us!"
Luka-"I just found out"
Felix-"is Juleka going with you?"
Luka-"no, it's going to be like old times"
Alya-"I will miss you luka"
Mari-"I will miss you too"
Nino-"same here"
Adrien-"you will will be missed by me"
Felix-"I will miss you"
Luka-"thanks you guys"
That all had a group hug

Alya-"hey Mari did you bring the cookies?"
Mari-"yep, there in my locker"
Alya-"come on we can give them out"
Once they gave all the cookies away there was two left for luka and Nino.
Felix-"here you go luka and Nino, sorry you couldn't help with making it"
Luka and Nino-"mmm yum there delicious"
Adrien-"thank you"
Mari-"we will miss you luka"
Luka-"and I will miss you too"

One month later:
Everyone's family is at the airport. Luka's, Alya's, Nino's, Mari's and Adrien + Felix's bodyguard because there father couldn't come.
Everyone got a going away gift for Luka, Alya got a charm, Adrien got him a ring, Felix got him a journal, Nino got him a hat and Mari gave him a necklace.
Luka-"you guys I will miss you so so much"
Mari-"we will all miss you too, make sure you stay in contact"
Luka-"of course"
Felix-"and write all your best days in the journal"
Luka-"I won't have any best days without you around"
Felix-"then you can write about your day so when we all meet up we can learn about your experiences"
Luka-"I would like that"

The announcement happens

Luka-"that's my flight"
Mari-"oh, I'm going to miss you"

They all go into a group hug

Luka-"I will miss you all so much"

Luka walked through the airplane doors and waved goodbye.

All there family's waited until his flight was high up in the air. Than they all went home.

The next school day
Mari-"hey guys"
Adrien-"you ok?"
Mari-"yeh I just miss Luka it's just not the same without him"
Felix-"yeh it's not"
Nino-"has anyone checked up on how he is doing?"
They all said they have and he said he was doing well but missed all of them.
Alya-"you know there is a spear seat between me and Mari now, so I wonder will someone fill the spot or will it stay empty?"
Mari-"probably empty unless another new kid comes"
Nino-"aww can't I sit with my girlfriend"
Mari-"hey I prefer to sit next to my best friend"
Adrien-"ohh Alya is getting fought over"
Alya-"shut up Adrien"

Everyone comes rushing in towards them
Alex-"Mari I didn't know you were a model"
Juleka-"yeh and since when were you have a boyfriend"
She held up the magazine with Mari and Felix kissing on the cover.

Mari immediately snatch it out of her hand and looked at it with wide eyes

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Mari immediately snatch it out of her hand and looked at it with wide eyes.
Chloe pushed past the crowd and went to Mari
Chloe-"how dare you model instead of Adrien!"
Mari-"this was a joke picture I specifically asked him not to use that photo"
Sabrina-"well are you going to spill the beans who are you going out with"
Mari-"no one"
Chloe-"then who are you kissing!?"
Mari-"none of your business!"
Ivan-"it looks like Adrien or Felix but I cannot tell because of the mask"
Max turned to Felix and Adrien-"so which one is it"
Adrien and Felix both looked at each other then at a distressed Mari. They both knew what to do.
Felix-"we're not going to tell you"
Ivan-"and why it's that"
Adrien-"so there are no ships or otps"
Rose-"well actually that will just cause a shipping war"
Alya-"finely Nino people on our level, ok so hand up for team Felixenette"
Nino-"12345678910 11"
Alya-"and hands up for team adrienette"
Nino-"12345678910... 11..."
Alya-"oh come one!"

Miss buster comes in
Miss bustier-"ok settle down class I have important news, next week we are having masquerade ball"
Miss bustier-"it will be held on the following Tuesday"
Alya-"Mari I beg you please make my dress"
Mari-"sure, after I make mine of course"
Alya-"thank you, you are the best!"

Hey guy sorry for this horrible chapter- will you guys miss luka?

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