Chapter 11 - the baking Disaster

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Once they all got back to Mari's house Adrien was out of his bad mood and determination to try and make a move.

Mari-"you guys you know what we should do?"
Mari-"we should bake some cookies for my parents for letting all of you stay round"
Adrien-"that's a great idea Mari, by the way what time are they coming home?"
Mari-"7 o'clock so we have ages"
Felix-"why do you want to make them so early"
Mari-"oh you never know what might happen"

Actually in fact Mari knew that Alya is getting revenge on Felix for the prank on her this morning

15 minuets later
Mari-"so do you guys know what you are doing"
Alya-"I'm measuring and Putting things in and out the oven"
Adrian-"I'm mixing and rolling"
Felix-"and I'm cutting and shaping"
Mari-"ok and I'm decorating"

Once they all got started Felix started complaining

Felix-"Mariiii they keep sticking to the cutter"
Mari-"I'm coming Felix"

Mari stood in-front of Felix as he watched her demonstration not being observant of Alya around him.

Alya grabbed a bag of flower and dumped it on Felix's head.
Felix-"oh my got Alya what was that for"
Alya-"for this morning"
Adrien-"ha ha ha ha" laughing his head off
Mari-"Alya you were only meant to get Felix not me"
Alya-"what are you talking about where are you"
Felix then moved out the way to see a covered Mari,
Adrien was just dying of laughter when he saw Mari.
Alya-"omg I'm so sorry Mari" while laughing
Mari-"it ok" as she dumped flower onto Alya
Mari-"what I like revenge too"
Alya-"so the only person who isn't covered in flower is" she turned around to Adrien with a sly look on her face "Adrien!"
All three of them went over to him in a slow killing way
Adrien-"ha ha no need to be hasty, just calm down"
Felix-"come here pretty boy!"
They all chased Adrien around the bakery until Mari had him cornered.
Mari-"now this won't hurt a bit"
And they all dumped flower on him

Alya-"so now that the drama is over..."
Alya and Felix-"I dibs going in the shower first"
Alya-"no me"
Felix-"no me"
Alya-"no me"
Felix-"no me"
Mari-"wow calm down there tigers, we have to share the showers anyway because if we don't we won't have enough time to finish the cookies"
Adrian, Felix and Alya look at each other and they all said together-"dibs being with Mari"

Felix gave a sly look towards Adrien and then Adrien smiled at him to show he is trying.
Alya-"you guys are dudes, I don't know what you guys would pull in there I'm just looking out for my best friend"
Adrien-"what we won't do anything"
Felix-"Yeh we are not like that"
Alya-"Mari who do you choose"
Mari-"well Alya you and Felix wanted to go in first so wouldn't it make sense if ...."
Alya interrupted her-"Mari I am willing to wait if it means that you don't have to share with one of the boys"
Mari-"umm ok then I choose Alya"
Alya-"ha in your face losers!"

After they all finished showering they all went to finish the cookies, and they all decided to help Mari decorate.
Mari-"you know you guys don't have to"
Alya-"girl have you seen how many cookies there are"
Adrien-"Yeh why are there so many"
Mari-"well I was thinking that we could give some out to the class tomorrow"
Felix-"that's a great idea, should we put there names on them?"
Mari-"Yeh that would be helpful in knowing which one is with"
Alya-"are we making one for Chloe?"
Mari-"I know she is mean but, she still gets out one"
Adrien-"Mari you have a heart of gold"
Mari-"t-thank you Adrien" she said as she was blushing

Once they finished all the cookies for there class and parents they had 12 cookies left so they decided they should decorate one each for each other.
Felix's cookies had the names of:
Alya's has the names of:
Mari's had the names of:
And finally Adrien's had the names of:
Mari-"ok time to show each other your cookies"
Alya-"yeh you are"
Felix-"no I'm not"
Alya-"you kissed Mari and wanted to go in the shower with her"
Felix-"I see where you get your ideas"
Adrien-"well to be fair you do tend to threaten people"
Alya-Yeh but"
Alya-"yeh your oblivious"
Felix-"I'm with sassy on this one bro you are"
Adrien-"well I mean you are"
Alya said to Felix-"wow Adrien is actually trying"
Mari-"thank you Adrien"
Alya-"this has been fun and all but I'm hungry"
Mari-"ok Alya, lets eat the cookies" she giggled

While they were eating
Felix-"it's a shame Luka can't be here, what happened?"
Alya-"he told me not to tell you guys, he is going to tell you guys all on Monday, hopefully Nino will be feeling better"
Adrien-"aww Alya missing your boyfriend"
Alya-"shut up agreste!"
Mari-"ha ha ha" laughing her head off
Alya-"Mari, your meant to be on my side"
Mari-"I can't be on anyone's side because I need to go make dinner, you guys can watch a movie while I'm cooking"


Sabin-"we're home"
Mari-"hi mum hi dad"
Tom-"hi darling, where are all your friends?"
Mari-"well Luka had to go home but everyone else is in the living room watching a movie"

Sabin-"hello everyone"
Tom-"and who might this be"
Felix-"my name is Felix Agreste Adrien's twin brother"
Sabin-"Adrien, you have a twin brother"
Adrien-"yep, you may ignore him if needed be he can be very annoying"
Felix-"hey so much for a first impression"
Tom-"well now we know everyone, do you guys want to stay for dinner
Everyone-"we would love to"

Once everyone finishes dinner everyone went home

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