Chapter 9 - the suprise

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Ugg Marinette woke up before everyone, she tried getting up but her arms were forced down by Alya and luka hugging her.
Mari-"Not again"
Adrien-"hmm ugg it's to early"
Mari-"Sorry Adrien"
Adrien-"it ok Marinette"
Mari-"I'm kind of stuck in a pickle, can you help me"
Adrian looks over and starts laughing historically, waking Felix up.
Felix-"Ugg who in there right mind laughs this early in the morning brother"
Adrien still laughing-"sorry Felix, i can't even" he point at Marinette.
Felix just stares with a mischievous grin planted on his face.
Mari-"what is it Felix?"
Felix-"revenge time!"
Mari-"oh no"
Adrien-"Felix what are you going to do"
Adrien sees Felix take his phone out.
Adrien-"ohh good thinking"
Felix takes a bunch of pictures of them three.
Felix-"not quite, where are your white boards pens?"
Mari-"top draw why?"
Felix-"for Alya"
Mari-"she is going to kill you"
Felix-"Yeh well I have nothing on my bucket list other than you"
Mari started blushing intensely
Mari-"shut up Felix" she said with a smile on her face
Felix got the marker and started drawing a uni brow and moustache on Alya
Adrien-"she is going to kill you"
Felix-"It'll wash off I'm not that mean, Adrien get the whip cream from the bakery"
Mari-"not that mean?" She says sarcastically
When Adrien comes back with it Felix put it all over Alya's hair and face.
Mari still on the floor-"dang that will be hard to get out"
Adrien-"oh sorry Mari, forgot you were still there"
Adrian drags her out of bed.
Mari-"ugg I'm going in the shower"
Mari went in the shower leaving Adrien and Felix alone.
Adrien-"so Felix what are we going to do about Luka?"
Felix-"what do you mean"
Adrien-"he is major competition, he likes the same things as Mari, has a life changing past- which he has only told her about and he is like the perfect match for her.
Felix-"it's her choice Adrien"
Adrien-"Yeh but I still want a chance"
Felix-"well you do what you have to do"
Adrien takes the whip cream and dumps it all over Luka.
Adrien-"what he slept next to Mari"
Felix-"Yeh but so did we"
Adrien-"good point, oh well too late now"
Marinette's pov:
I was just coming out the shower when I heard screaming, I quickly grabbed me robe and sprinted to my room.
"Oh my god what happened"
"god Alya you don't need to be so over reactive"
Alya-"Felix you are so dead"
Alya grabs a permanent marker and put it inches away from his face.
Adrien-"no Alya! Don't do that!"
Alya-"and why not!?"
Adrien-"I need his face for the surprise, you can get your revenge later"
Alya-"fine, only because I know what it is and I don't want to ruin it for Mari"
"Wait you know what it is"
Alya-"well duh"
"oh please tell me" I begged
Alya-"no chance, I promised Adrien and you better put some clothes on girl, unless you like being half naked in front of three boys"
I blushed intensely and walked quickly to the bathroom to get changed.
No ones pov;
Alya-"so did you do the same to Luka"
Felix-"no Adrien did, I wouldn't just stop at whip cream as you can see by your face"
Alya-"Adrien you are so jealous"
Adrien-"I'm not jealous!"
Felix-"yes you are brother"
Alya-"Yeh you are"
Adrien-"ugh I'm going to the bathroom"
As he was walking to the bathroom Alya screamed:
Alya-"Adrien stop!"
Adrien-"what is it now!"
Alya-"Mari's in there"
He froze for a minute
Adrien-"thank you Alya I owe you one"
Alya-"I mainly just said it to keep you from embarrassing her"
Mari comes out 2 seconds later
Mari-"miss anything?"
Everyone but Luka (who is still asleep)-"nope!"
Mari-"ok then? Oh Alya go wake Luka up as you are both covered in cream"
Alya-"no way"
Mari-"I'll let you go in the shower before everyone else"
Luka-"ugg what happened to me"
Alya-"whip cream don't ask"
Luka-"ok then"
Alya sprints off to the shower and cleans up while Mari goes down to make breakfast.
1 hour later- everyone is out the shower and eating breakfast
Alya-"hey Mari I didn't know you had a shower and a bath"
Mari-"it comes in convenient when 2 people get messy at once"
Felix-"OMG Mari these waffles are so good!"
Luka-"yeah I didn't know you could cook so well"
Mari-"well I am a baker" she giggled
Adrien-"so Marinette, Felix do you want to know your surprise!?"
Mari and Felix-"yes yes 1000 times yes!"
Adrien-"hmm not sure if you want to know" he said sarcastically.
Felix-"brother I swear if you don't tell us then I will ask Natalie"
Adrien-"fine... well I kind of lied to you about me having a photo shoot"
Adrien-"well you know that conversation me and father had before I came hear"
Mari and Felix-"yehhhh...."
Adrien-"well he told me that I was working very hard and I deserve a break, he said that He wants Felix and I quote 'the girl who one the derby hat competition' to model so yeh"
Felix-"Yeh I can't believe it"
Mari-"I need to make sure to thank your dad one day"
1 hour later
Felix-"so I really have to wear this stupid cat costume"
Felix-"but I look so stupid"
Adrien-"it's the theme this month"
Adrien-"Yeh, last months theme was butterflies and this weeks theme is superhero's"
Mari-"oh so is that why I don't have a costume"
Adrien-"pretty much yeh"
The photo shoot will be the next chapter 😅

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