Chapter 12

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El’s POV

When Max came back from her night with Will, Max was quiet. I tried to get her to talk about what happened but she ignored me. I decided that I would wait for her to come to me, willing to talk about it. Or at least wait until the next night to ask her what the hell happened. The next morning, I came out of the bathroom after a shower to see Max sprawled across the entire bed with a pillow covering her face.

“Can you smother me to death with this pillow?” Max grumbled

“No…. but you can tell me what happened last night,” I told my best friend, sitting down at my vanity and brushing through my short hair.

“I did a thing,” Max told me, removing the pillow from her face.

“Go on,” I told her and Max took a deep breath.

“Will asked what we were and what I wanted to be with him…… I panicked, got scared and I said something I didn’t mean” Max sighed and I turned in my chair to look at her.

“How bad?” I asked

“Pretty bad….. I told him I didn’t like him and that I didn’t want a relationship with him” She informed me.

“Yikes” I looked down

“I know”

“What are you going to do?” I asked

“I don’t know……” Max replied, looking at the ceiling.

After our conversation, Max and I got ready, had breakfast, then Dad drove us straight to school. Mike usually met me up front, along with the others. But Will spent the night at his house, they stayed up late and Mike overslept. Needless to say, he’s running a little late, so I decided to wait for him in front of my first period Algebra class. I stood there, facing the door and waiting for him to show up.

“Hey gorgeous, waiting for me?” An unwelcome voice spoke up from behind me.

“Is it just your mission in life to annoy me? Do you have nothing better to do?” I asked, turning around to see Aaron smirking at me.

“Well, I just love seeing that fire behind your eyes every time you see me” Aaron spoke and I rolled my eyes.

“Listen, I know you’re obsessed with me and I don’t blame you” Aaron started causing me to raise my eyebrows.

“It’s adorable really, so I wanted to save you the trouble in actually asking me to the Sadie Hawkins dance and just tell you, my answer is most definitely yes,” Aaron told me.

“I can already see you in a very fitting ball gown, sexy,” he told me and I rolled my eyes.

“You’re disgusting, I hope you know that,” I told him, Aaron then looked behind me and his smirk fell. I turned to see Mike standing there. Although he wasn’t looking at me, his eyes were fixated on Aaron.

“Mike….” I started but all Mike did was stand in front of me in a protective position.

“I suggest you listen to me when I say this because I’m about to reach the edge. You are trying to pass lines you shouldn’t cross. Back. The. Hell. Off” Mike told Aaron in a calm but angry voice

“Do you understand me or do I have to break it down for you? Or perhaps maybe I have to break your nose before you get it through your head” He told Aaron and I just watched in amazement. Never once have I seen him so angry and on edge.

“No sir, I get the point,” Aaron said

“Good, now walk away,” Mike told him

“Right,” Aaron said, turning around and walking away. I slowly approached Mike, who stayed incredibly still, watching as Aaron walked away.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2018 ⏰

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