Chapter 3

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El’s POV

It wasn’t too difficult to persuade my Dad to let me have this sleepover with Nancy. I told him I was taking Max and that Mike would be having his own sleepover with his friends. It helped my father feel secure letting me go. Dad said he would take us around 5:00 to Mike’s house, so at 4:30, Max and I started packing our overnight bags. We made sure we had pajamas, our toothbrushes, hairbrush, and all the things we would need for tonight and the morning. Then around 4:50 we hopped into Dad’s car and he drove us over to Mike’s. Once we arrived at the house, we said our goodbyes to Dad and walked to the front door. I knocked softly on the door and a few minutes later, I was welcomed by Nancy.

“Hey girls” Nancy welcomed us with a smile. She stepped aside allowing us to stride in.

“Ready for a fun night?” Nancy enthused and I just nodded softly, I was kind of nervous, what if this awkward aura in the room right now, follows us throughout the night? This would be a sleepover from Hell.

“Fun sounds great but I say first we order some pizza, mama needs to eat,” Max said, tapping her stomach.

Nancy and I both laughed, oh thank God for Max.

“Also… is a bottle of the good stuff too much to ask? We may be underaged but it would make things so much more fun and exciting” Max suggested and Nancy looked at her with eyebrows raised.

“Yes? No? Maybe? So?” Max asked and Nancy laughed, amused.

“I’ll think about it,” Nancy said and Max lit up

“She’ll think about it, yes!” Max whisper yelled at me and I laughed. Leave it up to Max to relieve the awkwardness, just by being her. What would I do without my feisty redhead?

“While you guys order the pizza, where’s Mike? I just want to say hi really quickly before the party starts” I told the two

“He’s downstairs in the basement with Will, Dustin, and Lucas” Nancy informed me

“You good up here Max or do you want to come with me for a second?” I asked my friend

“I’m good, I will stay up here with this sexy lady, me and Nancy are going to become good friends by the end of today” She informed me, tapping an amused Nancy on the shoulder. I could see what she was doing, first of all, Max was trying to make things less awkward for me, but she’s trying to loosen the mood and make Nancy put her guard down. It will make it easier to have fun and get information once the tension and wall she has built, tumbles to the ground. I smiled at my best friend before making my way down the basement steps. Once I reached the last step down, I saw that the boys were huddled playing a board game. Mike noticed my presence relatively quickly, motioning me to come over. I walked over to them. I was unsure of how to act when his friends are around, it’s so much easier when we are alone and I can do whatever I want without feeling uncomfortable or embarrassed. I smiled over at him and Mike took my hand, pulling me down to sit on his lap. That action made my cheeks turn into a bright pink color. Mike wrapped his arms around my waist, holding my hands. Then Mike placed his chin on my shoulder.

“Hi” I whispered to him, biting my lip

“Hi” Mike replied, whispering in my ear and placing a soft kiss on the back of my neck, which made my body shiver.

“I just came to say hi, I’m going to go upstairs with Nancy and Max in a minute.”

“Let me know how everything goes?” Mike asked and I nodded

“I promise,” I told him, lacing my hand with one of his.

“Text me if you need me okay? I’ll be right down here” Mike told me, squeezing my hand in support.

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