Chapter 6

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Well, I was just given the green light to bring out “Mad Max” as I like to call myself. I smirked. I’m going to enjoy this. I took out a hair tie from my bag, tying up my hair. Then I took off my jacket and purse.

“Can you hold this for a second Will?” I asked and he grabbed my things unsure.

“What are you going to do?” Will asked carefully

“I’m going to do what I do best, sweet shy Will, I’m going to make a girl cry” I smirked, before winking at Will and walking forward

“Hey, Kara?!” I called her and she turned her head towards me,

“Let’s have a chat” I said with a forced smile

“I don’t have to talk to you” Kara scowled.

I grabbed her arm as she tried to walk away, pulled it back and flipped her over on the floor, her back hitting the floor with force.

“Oh, no no no, you didn’t think you could get away that easy did you?” I asked, my heel pressed against her stomach.

Will’s POV

I held on to Max’s things, watching carefully as she approached Kara. I wasn’t sure how far Max would go. First, she suggested that they have a chat and next thing I know, Kara was thrown on the floor and my mouth dropped open. Max had her heel stabbing into Kara’s stomach, watching her squirm with a smile. I could see Kara try to grab Max’s leg to push her off which was a bad idea. It resulted in Max crushing her hand with her heel and getting down on top of her and holding her in a firm hold.

“Now I would start listening before I rip off your fake hair extensions with my teeth and stab my heel through those pretty blue eyes of yours” Max threatened and I watched her in pure amusement, every move she did was swift and perfect. How did she learn to fight like this? I’m going to put that in my mental checklist of things I should ask her.

“Now Listen closely, there are so many men in this world who would be desperate enough to buy you dinner. Mike is not one of them. You decided…. out of every guy in this school to go after the one, who just happened to be my best friends boyfriend, bad move” Max laughed sadistically

“That made me really mad, especially when you made my friend run off in tears” She continued, Kara tried to lift her head up and Max grabbed her by her hair and forced her head back to the ground.

“Did it look like I was done talking?” Max asked

Normally…. people would watch a fight like this amused and routing for one of them, me on the other hand…. as weird as it sounds, I find this extremely hot and I have no idea why. It was like watching a beautiful predator prowess, protecting the ones she loved. It’s sexy in a way.

“I want you to apologize to them both, then I want you to get lost if you make the wrong choice and choose not to listen…… I will make your life a living hell, make me mad enough, I may even murder you in your sleep. So tell me, are you going to apologize?” Max asked and Kara gulped


“Fine… fine I’ll apologize,” Kara said

“Now that’s a good girl” Max smiled, getting off of Kara swiftly.

“I want to watch you apologize, so you’re apologizing once I find my friends, understand?” She asked Kara, Kara just nodded and Max walked back up to me and I watched her with shining eyes. I may be in love with this feisty wild beauty.

“What are you looking at?” Max asked and I looked down nervously, my cheeks pink.

“Let’s go find Mike and El,” Max said, grabbing my wrist softly and pulling me with her.

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