Chapter 7

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Mike POV

Once the guys left and Max came back inside, we went upstairs. I was barely starting to feel the exhaustion. It had been an event filled night. I poked my head into Nancy’s room where Max was just getting into the bed, Nancy was already laying down and El was sound asleep on her side, now in pajamas with no makeup on. I smiled softly, seeing her peaceful face. I was also somewhat relieved that she wasn’t awake to keep embarrassing me. I went to my room, brushing my teeth and getting into some sweats and a t-shirt before laying in bed. I fell asleep pretty quickly after that. About an hour or so later, I was awakened by the sound of stumbling in the hallways. I slowly opened my eyes, rubbing them. I checked my clock, that read it was 2 in the morning. I sighed, standing up and poking my head out from the bedroom door. My eyes met a sleepy El, leaning against the wall and stumbling everywhere.

“Oh hey” El giggled

“What are you doing awake?” I asked

“I’m thirsty, I wanted some water but those stairs look very dangerous in my current state” El laughed, dragging her body along the wall, until she fell into my arms, nuzzling her face in my neck.

“And I missed you, has anyone ever told you that you smell really good?” El mumbled and I wrapped my arms around her waist to stabilize her. Softly laughing.

“I’ll go get you some water, you stay up here,” I told El.

“Go to Nancy’s room, I’ll bring you the water” I announced

“All the way back there?” El asked, turning a little ways back to look at Nancy’s door.

“It’s so far” She pouted and I sighed. El’s really lucky that I love her because she’s a pain when drunk. I carefully took her to my room which was the closest and I sat her down on my bed.

“I’ll be back,” I said with a yawn.

“The bed even smells like you! I can stay here forever!” El said, rolling around on my bed

“Woah, now I’m really dizzy,” she said, holding her head. I just shook my head at my adorable girlfriend.

“Can you just stay and do nothing for a few minutes? For me? Don’t move around too much, you’ll get dizzy and nauseous” I informed her, covering her with my bedsheets.

“Okay, I will a statue, promise” El said, laying straight like a stick. I laughed then, walking down the steps and filling a glass with water. By the time I got back up the stairs with a glass, El was fast asleep, cuddled in my blankets. I sighed, a small smile covering my lips. I put down the glass on my side table before carefully crawling Into my bed. Careful to not wake her. I made sure there was a respectful amount of space between the two of us before I got comfortable and closed my eyes. Next thing I knew, El rolled closer to me, cuddling to my side in her sleep. I opened my eyes, looking down at her, I just smiled, wrapping my arm around her before I to fell asleep.

The next day, I woke up to the soft buzzing of my alarm clock. I looked over with tired eyes, 5:30 am. I groaned, before realizing that there was something cuddled in my chest. El laid asleep, her breathing was calm, her face cuddled in my t-shirt, her ear against my heart. I didn’t want to wake her, she looked beautiful and in a place of pure serenity. But I knew that I had to wake her, she probably needed to go back home so she could get some clean clothes for school and try to put herself together before we would have to go to our early morning classes. I ran my fingers through her hair softly. I could at least wake her in the best way I could. I started by kissing her forehead, that caused El to furrowed her eyebrows, next, I kissed her nose softly. Her nose twitched softly, then I kissed her lips. At first, she didn’t kiss back, but then her hand raised to cup my face and she moved her lips against mine. I smiled against her soft lips before pulling away.

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