Chapter 9

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El’s POV

By the time Max woke up for school, I was showered and dressed. I’m never wearing that lacy white shirt I have in my closet ever again. I wore a red sweatshirt, gray leggings, and high top converse.

“Did you not sleep after the nightmare?” Max asked, rubbing the sleep off her face.

“No,” I said simply, wrapping my arms around myself in a defensive position. Max walked off to get ready, trying to brush off my odd behavior. Once Max was ready, I just wanted to skip breakfast and wanted to go straight to school. I need to see Mike, I need him now. I feel like I have been suffocating ever since I saw him kissing Max in my dreams. I made Max take her breakfast to go and waited anxiously in the car for Dad to drive us.

“You Okay Ellie?” My dad asked

“I’m fine, just drive,” I told him, the minute we got to school, I looked for the bikes and sure enough, I saw Mike’s bike parked in its usual place. Mike stood talking to his friends when I hopped out of the car, I walked right up to him.

“Hey……” Mike started to say but I didn’t let another word escape his lips, I pulled his head down to meet mine and kissed him. I didn’t care who was watching, hell, everyone watch so you know HE’S MINE. I moved my lips against his eagerly, wrapping my arms around his neck and keeping him pulled closed.

“Woah there” I heard Lucas say

“Relax guys” Dustin added

“I’m uncomfortable,” a soft-spoken Will said.

“Damn, take a chill pill before you jump each other’s bones in public” Max added when she came up.

I passionately kissed Mike and he didn’t seem to mind, kissing me back instantly. I pulled away after our full-on make-out session. I rubbed my nose against Mike’s.

“What was that for?” Mike asked breathlessly.

“That was to get me through the day” I whispered, kissing him again before turning to glare at Max.

“Walk me to class,” I told Mike, holding his hand and pulling him with me to the school.

“Bye guys,” Mike said to the others,  flustered and still out of breath, as I pulled him with me. When we stopped in front of my Algebra classroom, I remembered that I had this class with Aaron and I did not want to be in a class with him, not after that dream. Being with him, In that way, even in a dream deeply disturbed me.

“What do you say we skip first today?” I asked, wrapping my arms around his neck and playing with his black hair.

“What’s up with you today?” Mike laughed

“Say we skip first…. what would you suppose we do?” Mike asked

“Bike to an ice cream shop, sit outside, I need to talk to you about something…” I told him, looking into his chocolate brown eyes.

“I guess skipping one class wouldn’t hurt,” Mike said and I smiled, pecking his lips softly.

“But what do you want to talk about?” Mike asked.

“Just about something, I’ll tell you when we get to the ice cream shop,” I told Mike, smiling at him softly. I unwrapped myself from him, walking back to the front door.

“I’ll race you to the bike,” I said playfully, before turning around and running for the door.

“You’re such a child!” Mike yelled after me, beginning to run as well. I squealed when he wrapped his arms around me, capturing me before I could get to the bike. Then Mike began to carry me bridal style.

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