Chapter 1

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Mike POV:

It’s been a considerable amount of time since El told me her true feelings and kissed me in the pouring rain. Since then, we have been sneaking around her father. We mainly hang out at my house, Nancy is not the happiest about me and El being together and always hanging around at the house. I told my sister everything El told me but she was still resisting putting her trust in El. I guess she can’t shake the memory of me running to her in tears because of this one girl. El has been trying to gain back her trust but something tells me it’s going to take quite a bit of time. El and I most of the time just cuddle on the couch watching movies, sometimes we go down to my basement talk and play games. We kiss a lot, she loves to kiss me passionately, cupping my face in her hands and I truly don’t mind. I always just savor the taste of her sweet lips. Each time I kiss her, I feel the same, lighting zooming through my veins, heat coursing through my body, the feelings and emotions I get are electrifying. I have been getting to know her more every day and I have been thoroughly enjoying learning as much as I could about El. We now have a week left of summer before I start my Sophomore year at Hawkins High and El will be starting her Freshman year at that very same high school. I’m excited because school is just another way we get to hang out together. Dustin went on his date with Max that long time ago, they apparently had fun but just knew they weren’t right for each other, they decided to remain friends. Lots of things have happened this summer. It may be difficult to transition back to school in a week but that’s okay, maybe it will make things for El and me easier. This hiding thing was fun and scandalous at first, but now it’s just getting tiring. She always has to make excuses to come see me, she has to lie. El can only come see me at certain times and it can’t be too often since her Dad may get suspicious. I think hiding is wearing us both down. But we forget about that, we forget about the issues in our relationship once we see each other. It’s like the rest of the world doesn’t exist for those hours we are in each other’s arms. Maybe with school, we can stop lying, since school will be our everyday excuse to be with each other. I do hope El’s father comes around soon though, she’s worth all this hiding and sneaking but I just wish we didn’t have to hide. Today is Monday, the last Monday before school starts and El is coming to see me for a while before she has to go back to school shopping with her Dad and Max. El and her Dad are still not in the greatest of terms. She still hates him and only talks to him when she has to. El always has an aura of sadness around him too, maybe because she has to remember the pain he made her cause, everytime she sees him.   

I stood in front of my bedroom mirror, buttoning up the dark red flannel I was putting on. I put on some dark blue jeans and some shoes before I fixed my hair a little and put on cologne before I sped down the stairs. I sat in the living room eagerly waiting for my beautiful girlfriend. I still can’t believe I get to call her that, my girlfriend, El is my girlfriend. It’s crazy to me, I never thought that I could meet someone who would love me and accept me like she does. My parents weren’t home, Dad was at work and Mom went shopping with Holly. Just Nancy was here right now.

“Is your girlfriend coming over?” Nancy asked from the top step of the staircase. Even with the distance, I could still hear the tone of disgust in her voice when she said ‘girlfriend’. I sighed

“Yes, she should be here any minute,” I told my sister.

“I’ll be around, checking on you regularly. If you go to your room, keep the door open, same with the basement” Nancy informed me and I nodded

“Okay,” I told her with an annoyed tone in my voice.

“Don’t be upset with me Mike, I’m just trying to protect you” Nancy told me

“Well I don’t need your protection, I’m old enough to be able to protect myself,” I told her

“Well, obviously you aren’t, Mike you came to me in tears that one night. You were shaking, devastated and completely heartbroken. Do you think that was easy for me to see?” Nancy asked, walking down the steps to stand in front of me. I gulped, looking down at the floor, recalling the memory.

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