Chapter 18~ secrets and tours (part 1)

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~~Fly's POV~~

The shrilling and loud bell sound rang through my ears meaning the end of classes had finished. I had been waiting for this time for ages and science was just damn right boring. I quickly packed my things while Treacherous, Chantelle and Hazel crowded around my table. I walked out quickly and efficiently when our Teacher, Mr Geaney said we could leave.

"Whoa, calm down. It's only a little play date." Chantelle pointed out. I gave her a hard look.

"Yeah, but it's THE play date. I can't wait to see him again."

"Aww, little Fly has a crush." Treacherous cooed at me. I looked over to Hazel who wasn't joining the conversation and who looked like she wasn't intending to either.

"Are you okay?" I asked her concerned.

"I still don't approve in this. We will get caught, I can feel it. Do you know how much trouble we will be in Fly?" Hazel vented on. I sighed. It was like my mum all over again.

"Yes. I get it." I sighed.      

"Good. You better." Hazel said crossing her arms. I didn't get why she was so mad anyway. It wasn't like we were actually going to get caught. I'm pretty sure that if we did anyway, the school wouldn't make such a big deal about it.

We reached our room in literally a minute.

"Someone get their keys because I can't be bothered to get mine." I said while everyone started to dig through their bags to find their keys. Treacherous was the first to get them and so she opened the door. I looked at the gold clock we had hanging across the room to see that the time read eleven past three. We had to meet them in pretty much twenty minutes.

I had to wait in here for Infinity and Ella to come. Infinity and I had cars so we were going to take one of them. I had the original Mini cooper in red and Infinity had a cute, little white mini countryman.

I sat on my bed and fished out my phone from my bag and started to text Infinity because I already knew Ella was on her way. Her class was literally next to ours. Why didn't we wait for her?

Fly: I'm waiting in our dorm or should we meet up someplace else?

She replied almost instantly.

Infinity: no that's okay. I'm on my way there anyway. See you in 2. ;)

~~Chantelle's POV~~

As soon as Treacherous opened the door I sped in. I climbed up to my bed with my bag which was surprisingly easier than I thought it would be and I grabbed my nokia lumia phone from it and looked at my call log. I had only gotten two new phone calls from my Angelina which made me smile.

I decided to call her first. I tapped on her name and the phone rang twice before she picked up.

"Hello?" I could hear her voice say. She sounded way younger than she is. She is in her sixties but she sounds like a woman of twenties.

"Hi grandma." I said as sweet as I could.

"Hey sweetie, how are you doin'?" She asked me and I looked over to the other people in the room before carrying on. I decided that I would leave because I could tell I was being loud. I hopped off of my bed and started towards the door.

I opened it and closed it as soon as I was out and to a non-surprise Ella was just a few feet away from me heading towards the door with a key in hand and Infinity by her side.

I waved a slight wave over to them and they waved back with smiles as I started to wander around the place with my phone to my ear. It wasn't crowded or anything, many people were in their own dorms and stuff. We were on the room side of the school other than the classes.

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