Twenty Nine

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Newt's POV

Great, I'm stuck with doing a project with him. I glare at Minho who is currently putting his stuff at the seat next to mine. He wore a grin that made me want to punch him. With the chair I'm currently sitting in. Repeatedly.

"Now, now Newt," he sat down, "can't we just be civil with each other?"

"Your civil is trying to shove your tongue down my throat," I retorted. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to the bathroom. Don't expect me back until the end of class." I walked out of the class, certainly not going to the bathroom, I just had to get away from him.

Minho's POV

I smirked as Newt left the room. He didn't even take his phone. Oh well, not my fault. He's basically giving me permission to do what I'm about to do. I put in his phone password 3250. Even though he usually put it in quickly, I learned it. It didn't take me long to find his and his boyfriend's messages.

*time skip to after the messages from the previous chapter*

Thomas and I got done talking right as I watched Newt walk in. Quickly, I slipped his phone back where I found it. He wouldn't find the messages as I blocked Thomas, deleted his number along with all of their messages. Even for relationship standards, those two texted so much.

Oh well, not my problem.

Newt slumped back in his seat. "I see you did nothing when I was gone," he grumbled. "So I guess we'll have to work on it outside of school. My house after school?" I nodded with a smirk making him glare again. That boy glared a lot.

It was adorable.

And now that Thomas was out of the picture, I could have Newt all to myself with no one in the way.

This was the last class of the day so I drove him to his house. He was reluctant at first (I don't see why) but he did eventually get in the car. We drove in an awkward silence.

Newt's POV

I really want Tommy to text me and get me out of this. Maybe I could text him. Yeah, I'll do that. Minho seemed to notice my action of reaching toward my phone, so he put his hand on my thigh. Immediately, I slapped it away. I heard him mumble, "Fiesty," and glared at him making him chuckle. Ignoring it, I grabbed my phone. The first thing I did was looking for mine and Thomas' messages.

"Minho," I started, tears in my eyes, "why are my messages with Tommy deleted?" He ignored me and kept driving. We pulled into my driveway. It took about 2 seconds for me to get out of the car and into the house. I locked the door, now letting my tears fall.

"Let me in!" I heard Minho scream.

"Answer me then," I screamed back.

"Let's just say," Minho paused, "he's no longer your boyfriend. Even through the door, I could tell he had a smirk on his face. Oh how I hate him.

"What did you do?" I asked aggressively.

"Well first I broke up with him for you. Then I deleted your messages with him. Finally, I blocked him." I heard him leave, his car starting up and driving away. I went up to my room and cried myself to sleep, not waking up until the next morning.

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