Twenty Two

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Newt: How's your foot?

Thomas: It's fine. You don't have to ask everyday, you know.

Newt: Well excuse me for caring!

Newt: I'll ask you every hour on the hour how your foot is if I want to...

Newt: Because I love you.

Newt: And this is what you signed up for.

Newt: If you can't handle my motherness then TOO BAD!

Tommy: I went to the bathroom then came back...

Tommy: I was laying on my bed when I read those...

Tommy: I may or my not have laughed myself off my bed.

Newt: Oh no! Are you okay?

Tommy: I'm adopting you as my mother.

Newt: So . . . Are you okay?

Tommy: Yes, I'm fine!

Newt: But at least you get that cast off tomorrow!

Tommy: Yeah, I can't wait to be able to do stuff on my own.

Newt: I told you I didn't mind coming to help you out.

Tommy: I know, but I feel bad because first I ruined the surprise then I have to rely on people to help me do stuff.

Newt: Well suck it up because I'm going to help you with everything in life.

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