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( real life!! )

CHAPTER NINE( real life!! )

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The small café bustled with chatter, as Amelia settled in one of the booths, hot tea in hand. She was currently playing around with a production design program on her laptop, her eyebrows furrowing in concentration, as she placed a model of a chair beside the tables in the program carefully.

With the noise from the small coffee shop blocked out from her ears, she was unable to notice a figure sit in the chair across from her.

"Hard at work?" Her eyes immediately shifted towards the anonymous voice, recognizing it to be someone she knew but barely knew personally. 

"Oh no," she breathed out a chuckle, "I'm just trying to get myself used to this, uh, software that lets me play around with sets. It's nothing really."

"Sets? As in set design?" He inquired, a corner of his mouth tugged upwards.

"Yeah, studied it in college. I'm a bit rusty so I'm trying to get back on it," she admitted, meeting his curious gaze.

"Damn, I think that's cool. You're doing both your passions. You're a successful actress yet set designing is your passion so you're doin' it too," he remarks, shifting his seat so he could lean forward towards her.

"I guess so." She let out a soft smile, meeting his gaze, "thanks by the way."

"No, no for real," he adds, beginning to look down at her device in curiosity. "Hey, any luck of me seeing what you have so far?"

The corners of her mouth lifted to a faint smile, showing him an impractical 3d model of the inside of a small cottage house. In her imagination, it was part of a small village in italy. "You're in luck then."

He averted his gaze towards the screen, as he focusd on the scenic layout. He nodded the whole time, pressing his lips together.

"This is so dope. You did all this?" He glanced up at her and back down, rubbing his head with his hand.

She nodded her head in agreement, pursing her lips. She obviously knew her work wasn't as well done as others, but she didn't really mind since she didn't take set designing too seriously anymore. Even if she began set designing while she acted, no one would really focus on that side of her, everyone would rather see her act.

"You know what's really coincidental? I went to Venice myself last year and the inside of the houses looked exactly like this." His eyes flickered to one side of the setting and then to another section, "You got the couches and coffee table lookin' like Italian furniture too. Hm, and the mood looks somber so I'm guessing this a setting for a really dramatic, Italian movie. Kind of reminds me of The Godfather?"

"Wow, you really focus on detail. Yeah, pretty much I was going for something like a Call Me By Your Name theme. So, you're close." Her eyes crinkled while the corners of her lips tugged upward, taking a sip from her hot drink that was starting to get a bit lukewarm.

"I hope that isn't a bad thing, that I'm too detail oriented." He chuckled and then paused, "you know, you're really talented. You should consider actually being one for a movie, they're gonna need someone like you."

"Yeah, actually about that. I'm taking a short break from acting to focus on production and set design. So I'm taking that into consideration, who knows where I'll end up in a few months. And please, it's nice to know that someone else appreciates my work like you do." A smile quivered from his ample lips, crossing his arms.

"Okay, that's perfect." He quickly glanced at his watch, looking slightly startled. "Shoot, I have to get back to work. I didn't even introduce myself."

"No, no I know who you are. That sounded way different in my head. But in all honesty, we kind of know each other already," she responded, a flush to her cheeks.

"It's different from reality though. I only ever get to see you on a social media platform. Why waste my chance introducing myself to a pretty girl like you in real life?" 

"You're right. Okay, whatever you say." She tossed him a half-smile, her face growing than before, folding her hands on top of the mahogany table. "I'm Amelia."

"There you go. It was good to meet you, Amelia," he paused for a split second, beaming, "I'm Michael."

a note.

michael is such a cute bean fuck
but it's chad's girl you're messing with 😤

lol this was meant to go up tomorrow
but i got too excited oOPS

and i actually kind of liked this ???

hope y'all enjoyed this, until next time

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