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Sandy woke up at exactly 9.30pm the next evening. The room was still fairly light, as the dusk gradually turned to night. She sat up and looked straight at her window. Through the gap between her curtains, she saw them.

Sandy had planned with Eleros, Delvero and Saralin to meet at the beginning of the night, just as the moon was brightening (Sandy being unfarmiliar with this way of telling time, had to check what time that would be. According to the internet, 9.30pm was almost precisely that time). The three of them agreed to wait outside Sandy's window, ready for her to wake and join them.

Sandy crept from under the covers and gently opened the window so that the three nymphs could slide into the room. As the pane slid up, the outside swept in. The air was cool tonight with a hazy appearance. A large grey cloud had covered the majority of the sky above the cottage, threatening a storm.

"Are you ready to do this Sandy?" Saralin whispered. "It's now or never!"

"I'm ready," Sandy replied hesitantly. The reality of what was occurring now beginning to dawn on the fragile nine year old.

"How am I going to get out without my parents noticing?" Sandy enquired. It was still too early for both her mother and father to be in bed, plus, there was their habit of popping in to check on both Sandy and Billy before they retired to bed.

"Do not worry Sandy," replied Delvero. "We have scattered sleeping serum around the lower level of the cottage where your parents are currently residing."

"Sleeping serum?" asked Sandy, still astonished everytime she heard of a new piece of magic the nymphs were capable of using.

"Precisely," replied Delvero. "They will be out for hours. But just incase it hasn't completely knocked them out just yet, we will exit via your bedroom window to ensure there is no disturbance downstairs."

Knowing that she was now free to leave gave Sandy an almost uneasy feeling. There really was no turning back now.

"I guess we should go then," said Sandy.

"Very well Sandy," replied Eleros. "Here we go..."

She watched as Eleros and Delvero flew to the window. With a wave of their arms and a cloud of grey mist, Sandy rose into the air and drifted towards them. Saralin followed immediately and all four vacated the room through Sandy's bedroom window.

Sandy felt her trainers touch the damp ground. She had dressed for bed when her mother had tucked her in, but soon after, had changed into more suitable attire for the nights task.

More grey clouds now loomed overhead and a faint rain was gently falling. Sandy pulled her raincoat around her to keep warm. She also prepared herself with gloves in case it became too cold, remebering her first foraging trip with Eleros, and how the rain that night had chapped her hands. Please let it be sunny soon, she thought to herself, as the rain landed on her face.

"We need to head to the lair to collect the six drafts," said Eleros, seeming slightly quieter than usual. "Then we will venture to the church to enter the tunnel."

Sandy followed Eleros, Delvero and Saralin down the lawn, the three nymphs gliding effortlessly through the light rain. Once in the woods, the trees overhead provided plenty of shelter for them all. They moved on, but did not head towards the entrance that Sandy had got used to visiting. Sandy continued to follow the nymphs as they headed to another entrance.

Once there, Sandy saw a door. This particular area was very quiet, and not one nymph was milling around outside. Similarly, there was no movement from any wild creature nearby, and not a single bird fluttered this late at night.

Fight of the Nymphs - The Master of the DragonsWhere stories live. Discover now