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It was the beginning of a new week. Sandy had already started to get ready for school after getting up slightly later than was asked. Mr Drewet had already left for work, his new job meant he needed to be in for seven thirty every morning.

"Come on Sandy, we need to make a move," called Mrs Drewett from the bottom of the stairs. She was already fully dressed and had just finished clearing the table of the empty cereal bowls. Billy was already at the door waiting for his mother and sister.

Sandy had spent the whole of Sunday inside, having been out in the woods for the whole of Saturday morning, she felt it best that she stay in for a day so not to rouse more suspicion from her mother. She had contemplated going down to the woods, even though Eleros had said he was unavailable, but thought it best to stay away. The last thing she wanted to become was a nuisance to the nymphs.

Sandy finally arrived downstairs after a few more minutes.

"About time Sandy," said Mrs Drewett with a glare. "You don't want to start getting into the habbit of being late now. not after only a few weeks of school."

"Sorry mum," replied Sandy. "I'm ready now."

The three of them stepped outside into the warm morning. Today looked as though it was going to be very sunny, already the faint clouds above were dispersing to reveal the morning sun. Across the garden, Sandy could see the familiar site of the wildlife going about their business. A lone squirrel was scaling one of the fir trees, whilst a family of rabbits sat closely together just outside the woods. Above them, birds sang loudly and drifted in and out of the trees.

The journey to school was uneventful. mrs Drewett chatted awy to her children about this and that, while Billy watched the scenery fly past his window. Sandy sat and thought about after school, and how she was going to meet Eleros again whilst he foraged. This thought had her excited, and she was very much looking forward to seeing him.

Mrs Drewett dropped Sandy at the entrance to the school where a smiling Sarah greeted her. Then, within seconds, she had turned the car around to take Billy to playschool.

"Hi Sandy," called Sarah, as Sandy made her way up the school steps. "Have you had a good weekend?"

"Yeah it was great," replied Sandy. "I'm still really tired though. I spent all of Saturday morning... uh... building a fort in the woods near my home." Sandy had once again almost let slip what she had really been up to and felt frustrated with herself for not being more cautious.

"Awesome, sounds great!"

"Yeah, it was. But I just wish I was able to spend more time doing it," said Sandy, really meaning she wished her time within the lair had been longer.

Don't worry," reassured Sarah, "it's school holiday's soon. A whole week off, I can't wait." Sandy smiled at the prospect of her first real break from school since she had started, and was now looking forward to the amount of free time she would have to see Eleros. With this, both Sandy and Sarah entered the school and headed to their classroom.

"Ok children," came the gentle voice of Mrs Suffolk. "Please take your seats. We have yet another new student joining us today." Sandy looked up as she sat down and noticed at once a new face in the class. It was a harsh young face of a stocky boy. His hair was short, blonde, and cut in a bowl. He was sitting about three desks adjacent to Sandy. His eyes were small and beady and freckles dominated his features.

"Everyone, this is Brian, he has just moved down here from Bagshott. Please can we give him a warm welcome." Mrs Suffolk led the unison: "Good morning Brian."

Fight of the Nymphs - The Master of the DragonsWhere stories live. Discover now