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Sandy had lost all concept of time. She was beginning to wonder how much longer she would be able to stay in the lair before her parents began to worry. It must be close to lunch time now, many of the nymphs surrounding Sandy and Eleros were settling down at a nymph cafe, or heading out of the main street to go home, presumably to get some lucnh. Feeling she could still get away with another hour, Sandy allowed Eleros to begin.

"Our Head Nymph," Eleros started, "is named Naradan. He is a very powerful nymph who was presented the title due to his extraordinary talents and his work in founding this community."

"You mean he was one of the first ones here?" asked Sandy, feeling a bit naïve.

"He was one of the first nymphs to create this very lair," replied Eleros. "Plus several other lairs around the west of this country. Naradan and a group of eight other nymphs began digging the tunnels that lead us to where we are now. Over time, the lair expanded beneath the stream and towards the forest. His companions have since gone their separate ways, forming collonies further a field, but their legacy will remain as long as this lair is in function. It was just before their departure that Naradan was asked to lead this collony."

"So how did he come to be the Head Nymph if he was one of nine nymphs who created the lair?" asked Sandy.

"It was a unanimous decision by the group, for it was Naradan who located this forest, and it was Naradan who enlisted the group. He took the lead on the construction of the lair, and he was the first to introduce the multiple Epicentres, which as you now know are used in many other lairs. Before Naradan did this, only one Epicentre was constructed in lairs, leaving them vulnerable to threats. Naradan values protection of his kin, and takes his role very seriously. That is why this lair has been created so far underground, to keep us safe."

"Is he leader of the other lairs that he built as well?" asked Sandy.

"He is the leader of the community within this lair only. Every lair has their own Head Nymph as well as Guardians, sworn to protect the well being of those residing within the lairs."

"So who's in your group of Guardians?" asked Sandy.

"There are a total of twelve of us in this lair."

Sandy looked up at Eleros and the question immediately came out.

"Us? You mean you're one of them?"

"Precisely. I have been a member of the Guardians for almost four years now. Myself and my long term friend Delvero," Eleros raised a smirk, as if basking in his own triumph at being a specialist resident.

"What is it you do?"

"We have the most delicate task of keeping our lair free from any kind of danger," began Eleros. "As you know, we are under constant threat from nature, as you saw when I first met you." Sandy's thoughts trailed back to the fox she had seen when meeting Eleros for the first time and how he had retreated back into the lair as quick as he could.

"You have already met two other members of the Guardians today," continued Eleros, "Saralin and Matrosis."

Again Sandy's thoughts wandered back, to meeting Saralin, and how she responded to meeting a human, how she was relieved to hear that Sandy had not disclosed their secret existence to another. Then she remembered Matrosis and her outburst at Sandy being in her home; no wonder she had been so hostile.

"Of course," Eleros started, bringing Sandy back to herself, "there have been other worries than that of natures beasts. Our race has not gone unthreatened."

"Huh! What do you mean?" asked Sandy.

"Well, there was a time..."

Just then, Eleros's attention was snatched away from Sandy as a crowd of no less than seven nymphs approached, lead by Matrosis. The group seemed to disband the closer they got to Eleros and Sandy, and eventually split, forming a semi-circle around the two of them. Their presence was unnerving to Sandy, it was as if they were circling, ready to attack.

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