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Sandy woke early the next morning. She looked at her clock, it was 5am. Sandy sat up, unable to get back to sleep, she peered out of her bedroom window towards the woods where the nymph lair was located. She knew it was way too early to get up, and her early rise would surely wake her parents. Feeling annoyed that she had not woke later, Sandy lay back down and began thinking of what Eleros would tell her today. Remembering back to yesterday, she recounted how Eleros had responded to Matrosis's outburst at Sandy, and wondered what it was she had done. Was it something to do with Verlina's brother? Where the instances linked at all? Sandy thought about Verlina and how she had been sat out in the open the first time Sandy discovered the nymphs. Why had she been so careless with her appearance? Maybe she was simply unaware of the humans living in close proximity to her lair. Or was there another reason. 

The time was closing to six thirty when Sandy decided it was safe to get up, she had heard Billy talking away to himself through her wall and knew he was very much awake too. She got up, and pulled on her clothes straight away, not wanting to waste any time.

As Sandy left her room, she met her mother on the landing, still wearing her pyjamas and rubbing her eyes.

"Wow Sandy, are you feeling ok? asked Mrs Drewett, noticing Sandy fully dressed.

"Yes mum," she replied. "I wanted to go out and play down the woods again this morning. Is that ok?"

"You sure are spending a lot of time down there Sandy," said Mrs Drewett suspiciously. "What are you hiding?"

Sandy felt a jolt of panic before casually answering. "Nothing! I'm just building a fort down there, thats all, and I wanted to carry on this morning before lunch."

"A fort?' asked Mrs Drewett.

"Yeah, i wanted to make one like the ones me and my friends made near our old house. Thats ok isn't it?"

Mrs Drewett's face softened. "Of course it is Sandy. I'm sorry, I suppose with all the changes happening in mine and your fathers life, I forgot that you and Billy may get a little homesick."

"Thanks mum," replied Sandy, feeling thankful that this had worked. "I'll leave Benji here today if thats ok. I think he gets a bit bored waitng around for me to finish building. Plus I may be some time this morning. I'm trying to build the walls."

"No problem," replied Mrs Drewett. "It's early enough anyway, I'm sure you'll be fine. Just be home for lunch." She turned and went into the bathroom as Sandy headed downstairs.

Within no time, Sandy had finished her breakfast, brushed her teeth, and was pulling on her coat and shoes. Leaving Benji to his own breakfast, Sandy slipped out the door into the cool morning air.

Today the weather was threatening another spring shower. The clouds above were a dingy grey, and the morning dew was heavy on the grass. Sandy looked out to the woods and saw the familiar sight of the birds soaring over the treetops. Feeling a little less restricted without Benji, she began skipping down the lawn towards the woods.

As Sandy entered the woods, the air felt muggier. Not one bit of breeze seemed to penetrate the trees today, and sandy soon felt as though the thunder was iminent. nevertheless, she carried on towards the stream.

As Sandy reached the area of the stream where the lair entrance was, she was shocked to see Eleros waiting for her.

"Hi Eleros?!" she said with an odd look. "Is... is everything ok?

"Hello Sandy," greeted Eleros. "Yes, everything is fine thank you. I thought I would wait for you out here this morning, so as not to draw attention."

Fight of the Nymphs - The Master of the DragonsWhere stories live. Discover now