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Eleros, Delvero and Saralin were at Naradan's door within minutes. All three were out of breath and almost keeling over.

"Sir?" called Eleros as he knocked on the door. "We must see you instantly Sir."

After a few seconds, the Head Nymph answered the door, a look of suspicion on his face.

"Eleros? What's the meaning of this...?"

"Sir," interrupted Eleros, "we have some information. Some very important information that we feel will help hugely in us locating our young friends being held captive by Diem."

Naradan's eyes lit up briefly. He knew there was no simple way of entering the castle, certainly no way that he could think of. However, seeing the look of desperation on Eleros's face, Naradan knew that they had found something very important.

"Well," started Naradn. "What is this information?"

"Come with us Sir," demanded Delvero. "We can show you."

Sandy waited patiently on the bank as the afternoon breeze swept the trees. It was just nearing five and Sandy knew that soon she would have to go home to have something to eat.

Eleros, Delvero and Saralin returned to the outside, followed closely by Naradan. It was only then that Sandy realised how minute this amazing race of creature was. The only time she had seen Naradan was in the lair when Sandy was in proportion with the nymphs. Seeing him now, he seemed so small.

"What's the meaning of this?" asked Naradan, looking up at Sandy with a look of confusion. It appeared that Naradan still had his reservations with Eleros's contact with a human.

"Please Sir," began Eleros, "Sandy is here with quite possibly the greatest chance of us entering Diem's castle undetected. Hear her out, I urge you."

"Very well," replied Naradan. "I do hope this is as important as you are insinuating. Make it known that I am not wholy accepting of including a human in such grave circumstances."

"Please Sir," began Sandy nervously. It was quite surreal seeing how he held such a dominance down in the lair, and now Sandy was towering over him. "I want to help."

"I understand that you have some important information for us," asked Naradan, ignoring Sandy's offer.

"Yes, I do Sir," replied Sandy. "Here it is, over here."

Sandy directed Naradan to the plans of Forest Isle Castle spread out on the bank next to them. Slowly Naradan glided over to them, followed by Eleros, Delvero and Saralin.

"I don't understand," began Naradan, looking bewildered by the black and white drawings.

"I's a plan of Forest Isle Castle, Sir," answered Delvero. "The castle which lies across the lake where Diem is dwelling."

"I see," replied Naradan, still unconvinced. "And what is it we can do with such plans?"

"Well, I've found this," answered Sandy, pointing to the outline of the tunnel. Naradan gazed over the plans, reading what was written in between the dotted lines.

"Is this accurate?"

"Yes Sir, replied Delvero. "Sandy picked these up at her local library. They appear to be official."

Naradan knelt down over the plans, his stare piercing the paper below him. He was silent as he digested this new information. He turned to his Guardians.

"The question now is," Naradan began, finally sounding positive. "Is Diem aware such a tunnel exists?"

"As Delvero said, Sir, these plans where found at the local library," replied Eleros. "It's possible that he has never been aware of this. From ground level there may be no evidence of this tunnel."

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