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Sandy woke at around seven the next morning. She was still very sleepy. It was fairly light outside, white clouds filled the sky and small patches of blue were visible for a second before being covered by the drifting clouds.

Billy was already up and Mr Drewett had just left for work. Mrs Drewett was preparing her children's cereal as Sandy descended the stairs.

"Morning Sandy,' said Mrs Drewett as she poured milk into the bowls.

"Morning mum," replied Sandy through a yawn. Sandy felt the warm tiles beneath her bare feet as she approached the table. It was clear that spring was almost over and that the weather would start to heat up even more so. Sandy wondered about the summer and how it would aid her chances of seeing Eleros, as the summer brought with it the late daylight that kids everywhere loved, knowing their playtime would be extended. She sat down, and began eating her cereal, stifling another yawn.

After breakfast, Sandy got ready for school as her mother packed her lunch. Within a few minutes, they were leaving the cottage.

As always, Sarah was waiting for Sandy outside the school.

"Hi Sandy, hi Mrs Drewett," she called as Sandy's mother drove off to take Billy to playschool whilst waving goodbye.

"Saturday was really fun you know," started Sarah. "You'll have to come stay round mine next."

"Yeah, sounds ace," replied Sandy as the walked through the large doors into the corridor.

"I'll speak to mum," Sarah continued through the corridor. "She said that you can come over anytime."

Sarah and Sandy entered their classroom just as the bell rang for the start od class. Mrs Suffolk was just finishing writing up some instructions on the board as the two girls made their way to their desks.

"Morning Miss," said Sarah, as she and Sandy took their seats. Sandy caught Brian's eye as she sat down, and immediately turned away. She had still not forgiven him for destroying her model of Eleros. After a few minutes, class began.

The day proceeded slowly. After the fun of the art competition, which was now complete and awaiting judging, Sandy's class moved on to maths and science. Sandy had never really enjoyed maths, and couldn't help watching the clock as the day passed, willing it to tick faster so she could finish the day and get back to Eleros. She had already decided that she would go straight to the woods after school, and even contemplated asking her mum if she could have dinner later. Hopefully her father would be late home from work, which would mean dinner would be pushed back. As she thought of the evening ahead, the slowness of the day dragged on.

*  *  *

Eleros, Delvero and Saralin had just entered the circular room. The meeting with the Guardians was about to begin. Naradan was stood in his usual spot surrounded by the rest of his Guardians. Matrosis by his side was looking miserable as always. The other three Guardians were waiting patiently for the meeting to commence.

"Thank you all for returning so promptly," began Naradan. "As you remember from last night, we have a lot to cover." He shifted as he spoke and then looked towards Eleros.

"We will start with Eleros's idea we partially discussed last night, and I hope that we can all come to a reasoned decision. Eleros, if you may..."

Eleros moved forward towards the mound in the middle of the circle and began to sell his plan, knowing that regardless of the decision, Delvero, Saralin and he would be going through with it anyway.

"As you all know," Eleros began, "we have an option on how to infiltrate Diem's plan and to save the young nymphs he has been keeping captive. The Morphamoria Draft has been highlighted as a way of us being able to enter the castle undetected. As you are all fully aware, the draft will allow us to transform into another creature, a creature that specifically selected, will enable us to pass through the dragons guard and find out what Diem has planned for our community."

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