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My shift was pretty good. Every few hours I took a small break. But nothing two big.

I ended up making more coffee, using the same flavor Scarlett showed me. How she knew I would like that one so much I had no idea.

It had been almost 14 hours. Which meant that soon we would all be going to sleep to rest for the last five hours of the trip. Annabeth, Reyna, Jace, Sparky, Nico, Sapphire, and Leo were all helping me set up a decent defense system when we were asleep or not at the ship. We all worked in pairs. Annabeth and Sparky, Jace and Reyna, Sapphire and Leo, Nico and I. We all worked at different parts of the ship. Nico and I got the main control room. We both didn't really know what we were doing so we were really just waiting until Leo or Annabeth came back.

" and will?" I said awkwardly trying to start a conversation.

"Yep. Me and Will." Nico said.

"Was I here when you two...?" I trailed off.

"Yep. Although we didn't really come out publicly until after you left." He said.

"Fun. I'm happy for you." I said.

We sat in silence for a while.

"You and Scarlett?" Nico asked. My face probably went red.

"I mean...I don't really know to be honest. I like her and I think it's possible she liked me too but where she's from relationships mean something else. She told me after her mom gave birth, her dad fed her to a pit of hungry monsters." I said. Nico nodded.

"You could try just being honest with her. Tell her you like her and that you hope she doesn't throw you into a pit of fire." Nico suggested.

"Oh. Is that how you and will got together?" I asked sarcastically.

" actually...wait a minute, this is about your relationship not mine!" Nico said stuttering.

I laughed.

"You know Nico. You haven't changed much since I left." I said. He rolled his eyes.

"You have." He said, "Or you did. Your more like yourself now. Now that you don't have your old darkness powers."

"Yeah. I kinda miss being able to be an asshole without feeling guilty." I said.

"You still are an asshole." Nico commented.

"Says you." I argued.


I laughed. Nico's permanent scowl formed into a small smile for a moment.

"Wonder when they will get here." I said after awhile.

"I'm sure there on there way." Nico said. Sure enough Leo walked through the door.

"Hey! Why haven't you done anything?" He asked as he walked in.

"When we picked pairs we didn't realize that neither me, nor Nico knew what to do." I said.

"So what have you been doing since we started?" Leo asked.

"Just sitting around. Talking mainly." I said. Leo grinned and sat across from us.

"Ooh! I got some Chaos Army gossip from Saph!" Leo said excitedly.

"What are we, middle school girls?" Nico asked.

"Yeah!" I said, "Now spill it!"

"Well apparently Ivy actually has feelings. And Jas, She's a lesbian. Oh! And Marina's ancient language is just some crazy font on Microsoft word that turns the letters in symbols. Apparently it's used in some game, Over Tank? I think...?" Leo said.

"Undertale. And I'm guessing she's talking about wingdings." Nico said.

"Oh that's that game Annabeth always talked about! The one with the blocks you build stuff with." I said. Nico stared at me.

"Percy. That's minecraft." Nico said.

"Yeah, even I knew that!" Leo said.

"Well Soooorrrry! The only game I play is Mariocart and Smash Bros with Annabeth occasionally. We don't really have video games in chaos army." I said.

"Then chaos army is laaaame. When we get there I'm building a game room when we have time." Leo said.

"What are you boys doing!?"

We all looked up and say Reyna, Annabeth, and Sapphire staring at us.

"We were talking about the mission!" I lied.

"We were taking about video games." Leo said. The girls glared at us.

"Well, me and nico-"

"Nico and I." Annabeth corrected. I shot her a look.

"Fine. Nico and I didn't know what to do so we were waiting for someone." I said.

"And Leo?"

"I um....I needed help too...?" He said unconvincingly.

Annabeth rolled her eyes. Reyna muttered, "Boys."

The girls and Leo all worked on the weapons system. Nico went back to his room for a nap. I decided to walk around and check up on anything that looked suspicious.

I got bored of that in less than five minutes. I decided to go wake up Scarlett to give her an update.

I made my way to her room and found she was already awake. In fact just as I turned down her hall she walked out of her room. 

"Oh hey, you guys finish the defenses?" She asked. She was dressed in a Pink shirt. And not like the color. The singer Pink. Her pants were a black pair of skinny jeans that looked like they either had red paint or bloodstains on them. Knowing Scarlett, it could easily be either of those things.

"You like Pink?" I asked.

"Yeah. Her name is also a color." Scarlett said.

"Do you even listen to her music?" I asked.

"Not really. I just like that her name." She said. I laughed.

"Well, I'm going to check the defenses. You get some sleep." Scarlett said. I nodded and turned to go to my room.

"Sleep well kiri." She said as I walked off.


Several hours later I woke up to the sound of an alarm.

"Everyone Up! We're here!" Scarlett called over the intercom. Sparky and Jace scrambled off their bunk.

We all ran to the control room to get ready. Who knows what happened to Chaos Planet while we were gone.

I know. It's been eight days. 8 WHOLE DAYS. I actually broke my hand in an ATV related accident so it is very difficult to write. Not to mention it is my dominant hand so yeah....anyways I'll try to update soon

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