The Worst Thing About Me

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Scarlett and I hung out with the other chaos members in the living room as I braided her hair. Her hair was only shoulder length so it didn't take that long. After braiding it I undid it and started playing with it.

Ivy, Jace, and Marina were all in the livingroom with us. Ivy was glaring st Jace, who was trying to get her to chase a Laser Pointer. Marina was just laying in the recliner, upside down.

There was a knock at the door. Ivy's tail puffed up, and she jumped onto a bookshelf in a crouching position. Since she was pretty small, (only about 4.9" or 5 feet tall) she didn't break the shelf.

We all laughed and I went to answer the door. Unfourtunatly my good mood went sour, because as I answered the door I saw Piper and Jason.

"Can we help you?" I asked, crossing my arms across my chest.

"Percy..." Piper started.

"That's not my name. Percy died when you threw him in Tartarus." I interrupted.

"Fine, Apokirixye, we wanted to talk to you." Piper said.

"Well, maybe he doesn't want to talk to you." Scarlett said, walking up and stood next to me. Her hood was down and it was hard to take her seriously with her hair put into three braids.

"Listen, we just want to explain what happened to you. We understand if you don't believe us but he think you have the right to know." Jason said.

"Then talk." I said. Piper and Jason exchanged looks.

"We all wanted to explain at the big house." Piper said.

"Well, I didn't want to live in Tartarus for a year, we can't all get what we want." I said. They stood there for a minute and tried to think.

"If you going to just stand there I'm going to close the door." I said.

"Wait!" Piper said, "Please, come with us to the big house." I could feel the charmspeak in her voice trying to convince me to leave with them.

"Oh, don't you dare try and use your Aphrodite magic on me." I said.

"Ok, we won't just let us speak. Normal conversation." Jason said.

"There's no we. I'm sorry Piper but I know how strong your charmspeak is. This conversation will be me and Jason only." I said. She nodded.

"Understood." She said. Then she looked at Jason. Scarlett walked back into the livingroom.

"Look man, that day that you went to the empire states building we promise, no I swear on the river Styx that we weren't their. We never would vote to put you into Tartarus." Jason said. I waited. Nothing happened. I was hoping he was lying so I could see him explode, or whatever happens to people who break swears by the Styx.

"And you must not hate us that much, didn't you and Annabeth kiss a couple times while you were with End." He said. Shivers ran down my spine hearing his name again.

"She kissed me. I did not kiss her. She means nothing to me anymore!" I shouted louder than I meant to. Jason and Piper flinched.

"Sorry." I said quietly.

"It's ok Perc-Apokirixye." Piper said.

"Just....Leave me alone ok. I don't want to be treated any differently than you treated me when I had my hood up." I said. Then I closed the door.

"You okay Kiri?" Scarlett asked.

"Me? I'm fine. Just....I need to go for a walk. That's all." I said. She nodded.

"Do you want me to go with you?" She asked, grabbing her shoes, which she had taken off while I braided her hair.

"No, it's fine. I just want to be alone right now." I said. She reluctantly nodded.

I walked out of the cabin and into the woods. Monsters didn't seem to bug me. I saw a few small monsters here and but nothing attacked.

I wasn't sure exactly why I wanted to go on a walk by myself in the middle of the woods but something just...compelled me to go out here.

As I walked I enjoyed the view, of the forest I once played capture the flag in. I was in a part I didn't actaully recognize. I was fairly certain I had explored all the parts of the forest, but this part seemed unfamiliar.

"Hello Commander." I heard a voice from behind me. I turned and saw the silhouette of a feminine figure.

"Show yourself!" I commanded.

"Your scared aren't you? Scared that End might still linger in you consciousness." The figure said.

"Who are you!?" I demanded.


"Annabeth?" I guessed.

"Wrong." The voice said. And arrow shot out of the darkness and hit me in the shoulder, going all the way through and pinning me to the tree behind me. I cried out in pain.

The figure stepped into the light. He had dark blue hair and pointed brown eyes. He was tall and skinny, with a feminine figure. His ears were pointed. His face showed an evil grin, with a horrible gleam of madness in his eyes.

"Albert! What are you doing! I demand you to stand down." I screamed. He walked up to me. I tried to move my arms to pull the arrow out but I was frozen.

He simply walked up and pushed the arrow in deeper. I screamed in pain.

"Oh I assure you dearest commander I am out of your control now." Albert said.

He grinned an evil grin. Then said,
"And you thought you weeks with End were bad. I assure you what I am going to do is much, much worse."

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