A Shocking Discovery

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Apokíryxe's pov

Annabeth had fallen asleep about an hour ago. The others had shown no signs of waking up. As I sat, I noticed a small bucket of water in the corner of the room. And four pieces of bread. I got up went over to them. I sniffed the food and water to check for poison. Of course if End planned on poisoning us we probably wouldn't be able to tell. I put a finger in the water. I felt a small bit of strength but that was it. Maybe if I had enough water we could escape. But then I might accidentily reveal my identity. I might be able to get my strength back enough to teleport us. It wouldn't be very far but it might be possible. It would take a couple days but it might be possible.

I took a couple drinks and felt small surges of energy. I made sure there was plenty for the others. I didn't touch the bread though. The others no doubt would be weaker than me, they needed their food.

Leo woke up first.

"Ow, mi cabeza. Where am I?" He asked. He saw me.

"Apokíryxe? Where Are We? And why are you wearing jeans?" He asked.

"We were captured by End. And as for the jeans..." I pointed to Annabeth. He nodded.

"Who's End?" He asked.

"Chaos' brother and enemy. He invaded earth." I said. I handed him a piece of bread.

"Why don't you just teleport us out?" He asked.

"I can use any of my powers." I said. He nodded.

"Neither can I." He said after attempting to make toast.

Hazel And Piper started to get up too.

"What happened?" Piper asked. I explained to them what happened. They also took a piece bread. Annabeth got up as we were talking and also ate.

"Did you eat too?" She asked. I shook my head. She handed me what was left of her bread.

"I've been trained to go without food for months. You need it. Your all so weak anyways." I said. She reluctantly ate the rest of it.

"We should all sleep, whatever End had planned for us sounds like we might want to sleep." I said. Everyone nodded. Piper Leo and Hazel all curled up with there coats and fell asleep. Annabeth used my robe. I wished I hadn't given it to her.

I leaned against the wall and tried to sleep.

But as soon as I started to drift off, rough cold hand grabbed me and pulled me to my feet. I opened my eyes and saw...nothing? Nobody else was in the room, but I was being forced Into another room. Annabeth, Piper, Leo, and Hazel were also being pushed out of our cell. Whatever had us bound our hands behind our back and lead us us through the hall way.

We were pushed into a white room that had no windows, or doors. How did we get in you might ask? The wall just seemed to turn liquid to let us pass through. The room had chains on the wall, like where to hang prisoners. In the middle of the room was two large, black metal beams with enough distance between them for a person. There was chains on the sides that were facing each other. The five of us were chained to the wall, when End walked in.

"Hello, my fine little prisoners." End said.

"Who you calling little?" Leo said. End glared at him.

"Would you like to go first?" End asked. Leo was silent.

"Or perhaps you Miss Levesque?" He said walking up to her. End glanced at me.

"Or maybe you, daughter of athena?" He said. He put a hand on her face, squishing her cheeks. She actaully spit at him. In response he slapped her across the face.

"You wouldn't disrespect your king would you?" He said, "Maybe you should go first." He started to unchain her but I stopped him,

"Stop!" I said, "I'll go first." It wasn't because I didn't want Annabeth to suffer, it was just because I didn't want any of them to die. They wouldn't be able to handle it like I could. End smirked as if this is what her wanted.

"How noble, Son of-"

"-Lets just get this overwith." I said through gritted teeth, interrupting him.

He chained me to the two black beams in the center of the room.

"If you tell me about the camps defensive, and send your chaos solider home then I won't hurt you or your friends." End said.

"They aren't my friends, do whatever you want to them." I said without looking at them. "And I will never tell you anything."

"Just do what your going to do." I said coldly. He smiled evilly.

"As you wish." He said. He put his hand on the beam for a second. It started a glow. When he took his hand of pain shot and down my spine. At first it tickled, then suddenly I screamed in pain. It was like nothing I had ever experienced. I saw images of terror and sadness in my mind. Betrayal, misery, death. Those were just some of the things I saw. I screamed in agony. I was sweating profusely. I couldn't stand it, but I had to push through. The others wouldn't be able to handle it. I had to make it.

I was about ready to die when It finally stopped. Tears were running down my face. I could hardly move.

"Who's next?" End asked smirking down at me.

"Me." Annabeth said, fear creeping into her voice.

"No!" I spat. "Just me. No one else!" I tasted blood in my mouth.

"Well, if you insist." End said. The lightning started again, this time it was more painful than the last. Everything I had ever done that was painful couldn't add up to this. It was too much. This made my dip in the Styx and Tartarus look like nothing. My screams could have been heard from every corner of the galaxy. Annabeth, Piper, and Hazel were screaming, trying to get End to stop. Leo looked like he was in pain but I saw no tears.

This is how I'm going to die. He's not stopping. I thought. He was going to kill me. Finally, while I was on the verge of death he stopped. I fell over, unable to stand. The only thing keeping me us was my chains. End leaned closer to me and whispered.

"I will break you."

Then he turned to his guards.

"Take them back to their cell." He said as he left the room. As soon as the guards grabbed me I fell, they caught me and dragged me back to our cell with the others.




Do not leave this story so soon. It may look like it is percebeth but just keep reading. There is a happy surprise at the end.


If you like percebeth them keep reading for a bit. There is some percebeth. Some. If you are a hardcore percabeth shipper them check out my other book

My Name Is Omega

That's all I have to say. ;D

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