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I waited for the rest of the soldiers to meet me at the beach. It had been a long time since I have even used my Poseiden powers. And to top that I had never even used Order powers before. Something inside me told me she would help me though. Or at least Arianna would. She didn't like me much but she would never go behind Order.

Scarlett, Marina, and the others all met us on the beach.

"Marina, I need you to help me. Use your powers to move the water to me so I can use it to make the ship." I said. She nodded and turned to the water, raising her hands.

I closed my eyes and focused on an image in my head. A spaceship. One that would have enough room and space for all of us. One that could travel all the way to Chaos Planet safely and quickly. One that had weapons in case of an attack of any intergalactic Tesla cars that happened to be equipped with weapons.

I held my hands up, pulling the water towards me. Forming the ship.

When I opened my eyes I gasped. It was amazing.

It had a huge window in the front which would be amazing in space with all the stars. It was mainly white, with a blueish tint. It looked very futuristic. The glass was one tinted so I couldn't see inside. The entrance on the side opened up before me.

All the others gaped at me. I smirked.

"Come on. We should hurry." Scarlett said.

"Is Like does it operate correctly and stuff?" Leo asked.

"Yeah....I think. Oh well. We'll find out." I said.

I walked onto the ship, everyone else following.

The design of the ship on the inside was reminiscent of the design of Chaos Castle. But it was more futuristic. And a very light shade of blue instead of black or gray.

To the left of the entrance was a hallway with 6 rooms.

"Ok. We're going to need five groups of three and one group of four, for bedroom buddies." I said,

"Let's see..." I said, think about the group's.

"Jason, Leo, Frank. You'll take room one." I said.

"Why can't we just stay with our girlfriends?" Leo asked.

"Because I don't want you shacking up while in the ship. Your all staying with your own gender." I said, "Now. Next group is obvious. Piper, Hazel, and Calypso in room two."

The girls smiled and nodded.

"Okay...Ivy, Dawn, Saph, and Jazz. You'll be in room three as our group of four." I said. The four of them smiled.

"Aaaaaand Reyna, Nico, and Will." I said.

"Wait a minute. I thought you said same gender. And nobody in a relationship. How come they can bend the rules?" Leo asked.

"First. Nico and Will are gay so I'm not worried about the gender thing. Second Reyna is a bitch. She wouldn't let them shack up." I said. I turned to Reyna.

"I mean bitch in the most polite way possible." I said. She nodded.

"Your right. I am a bitch. That's a compliment. But if you call me that again I'll feed you to my dogs." Reyna said.

"N-No problem Rey." I said, slightly stuttering. Hate to admit it but sometimes Reyna scared me.

"That leaves Sparky, Jace, Marina, and Annabeth in room five. And since Scarlett and I are the leaders were in room six." I said.

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