Super Amazing Space Adventure

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9 and a half hours.

I've been awake for 9 and a half hours.

Scarlett, Annabeth, Jason, and a few others tried to convince me to switch out for the night but I refused. Why you might ask?

Well what if someone where to attack while I was asleep and we all died because I couldn't help defend us. Or what if we run into Arianna and she doesn't believe were working for Order and Chaos because she doesn't see me and she destroys the ship. Or if we came close to a black hole and Scarlett couldn't control the ship and get us out of there.

Then again black holes are actually just portals to Destruction's realm. And only the strongest can make it out alive.

But still. I refused to sleep until we got to Planet Chaos. Which meant drinking a lot of coffee, energy drinks, soda, and chewing some of that caffeine gum. But of course, since I'm A.D.H.D. the caffeine doesn't effect me like it effects normal people. Caffeine makes normal people hyper and all jittery. Caffeine for and ADHD, ADD, or many other different types of people with learning disorders, calms us down and helps us focus. Unfourtunately, it kind of makes me tired. So it's keeping me up but making me tired at the same time.

"How far are we Jasmine?" I asked. Ivy had gone to bed three or so hours ago when the shifts changed.

"Approximently 67 hours." She said. I nodded.

"Percy, you should really get some sleep." Jasmine said, coming up to sit next to me.

"No. I have to stay awake. Something could happen if I'm asleep." I repeated for the 10th or 11th time. Jasmine rolled her eyes and went back to her station.


12 hours later

"Percy. Please, get some sleep. You won't be able to fight End if your tired." Annabeth said as soon as she came into the control room for her shift. I didn't look at her. I just stared forward at the map on the screen in front of me.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me." I said, "Just go to your station."

Jace, who had just switched out with Annabeth walked out of the control room.

"Percy, your one of the most important people on this mission. If you aren't focused-"

"I said go to your station!" I snapped. Those who were in the room looked up at me.

"I'm just trying to help Percy." Annabeth said. She didn't looked to happy that I snapped at her but she managed to contain her anger.

"That was an order." I said coldly.

"I'm not one of your soldiers you can just order around you know." She said.

"Actaully, you are. Last I checked you have Chaos's power of Shadows. So yea you are one of my soldiers." I said.

" I'm done with this!" She said angrily. She slammed her hands down on the controls. Her appearance went slightly transparent for a second before changing back to normal. She stared at her hand for a second. I was guessing random power activations were happening more and more with her because she shook it off.

"Until you see reason I'm not going to support your search for End." She said angrily. She then left the room, the automatic door then slammed behind her. I had a feeling she figured out how to use the telekinesis to slam it. Or the door was conviently malfunctioning. Either way I needed a new person to take over for her.

"Someone get Reyna to take over for her. I'm going to get some coffee." I said. I left the control room for the first time in the twelve hours we've been in space.

The ship was actaully pretty nice. It had a futuristic look but a Chaos Planet feel to it. It was definately homey.

I made my way to the dining hall and found a coffee machine in the corner. I wasn't exactly sure how to work it so I pushed buttons until it started to produce coffee into the pot.

"Hey kiri, my turn for a shift yet?" A voice asked from behind me. I turned my head and saw Scarlett walking in.

"You know that's not my name anymore right?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I like the dumb nicknames we always used." She admitted.

"Whatever you say Queen Shanequa." I said. She snickered.

"Shut up Half-good." She said. We started laughing.

"Seriously though, is it my shift?" She asked, changing the subject.

"No. Still mine." I said. Scarlett rolled her eyes.

"Listen, your not a primordial. You can't go this long without sleep and expect to win every time." She said.
She pushed a strand of red hair out of her face.

"I can't-"

"Oh don't you say 'I can't leave them to fight for themselves'. You and I both know that everyone in there, even Annabeth or Calypso are strong, capable fighters. You on the other hand, need some sleep. I'll wake you for the next shift." She said.

"I...Yeah. Ok, just...wake me if anything happens." I said. She nodded, and stole my coffee.

She took a sip them immediately spat it out.

"What did you do to this poor, innocent coffee?" She asked.

"I...I don't know how to make coffee. I just pressed random buttons." I said sheepishly. She laughed.

"When you wake up I'll show you." She said smiling. She led me to my bedroom, making sure I didn't run off. I climbed into bed, not bothering to change into more comfortable clothes.

Scarlett leaned down and kissed my forehead.

"Goodnight Kiri." She said. Then she left my room. Before I could process what had happened I drifted off.

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