{ 47 } my zodiac sign facts

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<I'm not on my worst neither on my best; but that's not what being fine is about .>
The moon persists , the storm is coming
Full of anger , full of clout

<I'm better off alone >
It would be easier to survive 4:00 am without you
Yet as confusing as seeing everything in gray
I felt like fainting, it happens often and everyday
Your vibes are agony, as you stay
We can't be together
And That's all I needed to say

<I had to accept me for mama's behalf >
Do me a favor and look down your body whispering there no home like you
~Thank you! (I murmured to myself)

<I appreciate you,and good memos will dwell>
Big thanks to you as well
You've seen through me and felt my weakness; when it was so hard for others to tell
Poured love in the empty cracks I hidden beneath my shell
When it was the hardest thing for me to open up and I preferred putting up with hell

<It's my heart I should let go >
Hell to the no
I can't apologize for every breath i take ..
as if it's a felonious mistake
Contending a guilty ego
It's tearing me you know

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