{ 8 } What is air

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They say "what is air" sarcastically as a form of enthusiasm

Oxygen has literally escaped my lungs
It happens often
Alrighty .. as often as the chill-spuring thoughts among my mind-numbing rituals

I flinched when you hugged me from behind
Casually they hug me from the inside traumatizing my inner sense , oppressing me , then siZzling fear-thriving thoughts across that throat
So I vocally abused me
But it wasn't me ; words skulked into the atmosphere revolving me
Tussled with dripping blood drops
...It was snarly this time

*It's Alright* you claimed
Then hugged me tight
But I feel it getting tighter .. tighter than what it used to be ; my throat .
Air escaped my lungs and never get to leave my trampled throat ; revolutionary refining me into an upgrade by the amount of pressure swarming amongst all my guts

It is what it is
Not for everyone
Maybe just for me
But if that what it takes for a better tomorrow I volunteer to collapse into myself every night until my galaxies clasp into a Smaragdine universe ; pain free and proud I'll be.

dedicated to me

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