{ 25 } memory

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My favorite memory

Time : 5:56 am
Place : near a coffee shop
State : jet-lagged

You picked me up
hugged my face , I felt your warm breath on my burning nose , that was already rose red ( It was cold enough for shivers to travel down my spine ) , you kissed me and I cooperated
we both knew it wasn't supposed to happen .
Our lips parted and I leaned again , you make me want sincerity in a nebulous way.

don't know why you demanded meeting at sunrise .. don't know why you craved a love so exhausting.
We kissed one more time and each one of us took a separate way .

My love for you has surpassed the sense of logic I have and couldn't care less about your flaws .

Note : I was fantasizing
This never happened
I'm sorry

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