{ 41 } drafts

70 19 2

This specific chapter is gonna be updated independently stay tuned

Incase you're wondering why we stopped talking .....
I've emotionally invested in your growth, I had faith in you pal !
You know me, you memorized my kinky way of holding back tears and wearing a smile, it's funny how you've chosen to believe my outer look!

Is it logically reasonable for a person this broken to function and genuinely live life ?

You didn't seem to understand me anymore, after every vulnerable role I played in front of your aura

I always give back .. always
Even when I have to give back unintentional selfishness ... I do it

every millisecond wasted on comparing yourself to others, then building up jealousy in your throat so it will choke you in your sleep; causing you to wake up with anxiety will take you nowhere .
...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... .......

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