Ch. 11 - The right Choices

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Hey guys im really sorry for not writing in soooo long. But I've finally gotten back into writing and over my little pause that i was having with this story. So i hope you enjoy  it!


Vaness XO


JAKE'S POV ( after the game)

I can't believe Noah. That slut had done some pretty bad things to him and he still kissed her back? While he was in a relationship with my sister. He had been waiting for years to get my sister and now he throws it all away? Well I think I just wont beat him up because knowing Scar she will give him the silent treatment and avoid him like the pleague so he will be dieing from that. Or maybe I will make it even harder for him.

Walking off the feild and into the locker room I spotted Noah in the back. "Damn it!" He said while punching a wall. Damn it was right gosh he is already beating himself up.

So I walked up to him and asked, "Man what happed with Melissa? Scar saw it, the whole thing."

"Damn it dude I messed up. Gosh how could I have been so stupid to kiss back? I didn't mean to but I did it just happened and now Scar hates me, will give me the silent treatment and avoid me. So how am I gonna make this right?" He said while sitting down one of the  benches running his hands threw his hair.

"Dude I don't know how your gonna make this right, but she really is gonna give you the silent and avoid you, your right about that. Oh and when you do talk to her don't mention it just happened she will not like that. But for the time being maybe you should just give her some time and space? " I said not really knowing what to say.

"I know i should give her space but I feel like I can't. All I wanna do right now is go and apologiz and make things better with her because I can't live without her."

"Are you saying you love my sister?"

"Honestly man I don't know. But I do know that I am pretty damn close to loving her, but I'll never get the chance to now becuase I screwed up and she will probably never forgive, who would?" He said with tears rolling down his face.

Damn it Noah did love my sister and now after all this happened she probably wont forgive him when I know that he makes her happy. "Dude I'll help you get her back but you have alot of sucking up to do when you get her back I am just saying."

"Thanks so much." Noah said.

"Now get your sweaty ass up and go take a shower you stink." I said trying to lighten the mood.

"Haha ok but should I still come home tonight or find somewhere else to go?"

"Man your home is with me Scar and the guys. Of course you can come home just don't talk to Scar tonight wait for tomorrow or a couple days ok?"

"Yea thanks man." He said while walking to the showerrs. Man I need to get home and talk Kass into helping me get them back together.



Once we got home Kass had me go upstairs and change while she went and got us some food. I went into my closet and grabbed some soffe shorts a T- shirt and a hoodie and got changed. Next I went into my bathroom and took my makeup off and washed my face. When I went back into my room Kass was walking in with all my favorite sweets.

"This is why I love you Kass!" I said while Kass sat everything down on my bed.

"Haha yea I know, but I have your favorite movie Immortals to, so we are watching that got it?" She said.

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