Ch. 4 - Party Dresses

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Ok so this chapter goes out to ECLIPSEPRINCESS for giving me my first comment. When I saw the comment last night it I wanted to just start writing but it was late so I just woke up really early to do it just for you. Hope you all like it!!


Vaness XO


Walking into the mall I suddenly got an idea. "Hey Kass we should talk my brother into having a party on friday."

"Yea that's a good idea and having it on friday gives you enough time to get your brother to say yes." I was already thinking of plans to get my brother to say yes until the most genious plan hit me.

"Kass why don't you just ask him when we get back to my house." I said while laughing evily in my head knowing that they each had a soft spot for eachother. Also my brother only listened to what Kass said so this would only work if Kass asked my brother.

"Um yea I guess I could ask. But why do you want me to ask your brother for you when he is YOUR brother?" She said while looking at me suspiciously.

"Well you see I have come to realize over time that my said brother seems to have a soft spot for my said bestfriend,  and always listens to what she have to say or gives her what she want, where as I can only get my way sometimes. Oh and that friends you FYI."

"Ok. I guess that dooes make sense. So while were here can we get new dresses for the party?"

"Hell yea! I like the way you think. We should go into Charlette Russe. They always have stuff that looks really good on you." I said while thinking about all the dresses she has gotten from there.

"Your right and we need to go into Wet Seal for you then, but what about shoes and accessories?"

"Well I have accessories that we can both use and the shoes depend on what dress we buy. So let's just go get ourdresses and then decide on shoes. Sound good?"

"Sounds like a good plan to me. Let's go." She said while already starting to walk to Charlette Russe.



"Your dress looks amazing on you." I said to Kass thinking of the bright red one shoulder dress we found her in Charlette Russe.

"Yea I know I love it and your dress makes you look so sexy." She said with a playful smirk.

"Haha were just gonna both look very sexy on friday night." I said making both of us burst out laughing. "Yea I just hope Max doesn't invite Sophia and Ashley." ( They are the two sluts of the school)

"He better not. Those two are walking STDs."

"Hey are you staying over again tonight?" I asked knowing we might need time to convince my brother.

"Umm I don't know. I should probably go home, but if I need more time to convince Jake then I'll sleepover again. Sound good?"

"Sounds like a very wise plan to me." I said while smirking knowing she would say that.

Walking in the house we found Laim and Tyler on the couches watching sports. "Hey weres Max?" I asked knowing those three were normally always together.

"He went out with Ashley." Laim answered while Tyler went to go high five him.

"Why is he with her. She's a slut."

"Yea she is, but apparently she is good in bed if you know what I mean." Tyler answered while wiggleing his eyebrows.

"Eww I didn't need to know how she is in bed. Gross." Kass said.

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