Ch. 7 - Gotta love Coach

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HEY GUYS! So I hope your enjoying this story and if you are it would be great if you vote or comment.

Anywhoo if you have any suggestions for the story please let me know!


Vaness XO <3



It was finally friday! This past week has seemed to just drag on. Kass and Jake were getting cuter and cuter and Max is still seeing Ashely so he invited her to the party which was a downer but not as much as Noah making out with Sophia by his bike. After that I didn't really talk to him. I just kinda avoided him and he semed to notice seeing how he was always giving me questioning looks and trying to talk to me, but I always made sure I was busy.

Although last night was the worst when I woke up from my nightmare screaming. i really needed him, but wouldn't let myself unlock my door for him so he sent Mason in to sleep with me. I felt bad knowing he didn't sleep last night. He would be to worried about me to let himself sleep and I knew it was true for in the middle of the night I went to get a drink to find him asleep outside my door. So when I came back up I got him a pillow and blanket and made him more comfortable. 

As I walked into lunch I spotted Kass waving at me to hurry up. "Kass your very impatient. I'm going to get my lunch." I said while trying to walk away but Kass grabbed my arm.

"No here I already got it for you." Kass said pointing to the tray next to  her so I sat down and started eating.

"Ready for the party tonight?" Jake asked.

Everyone answered that they couldn't wait and started a conversation about it, but I couldn't pay attention because when I had looked up I saw Noah in pain and looking like  he was gonna fall out of his chair he was so tired. I got up and went to sit in the open seat next to him.

"Noah come here you need to sleep." I said while motioning for him to lean on me.

"I  couldn't sleep last night I was to worried about you and then you wouldn't let me in your room. Why not?" He asked from my shoulder. Oh god how do I tell him.

"Well we were getting really close but I saw you making out with Sophie I don't know. I just felt kinda used. It doesn't matter." I said.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't actually making out with her she kinda pushed herself on me. I wouldn't do that to you aspecially after what happened that morning. That's why you said you would get a ride from Tyler and Laim?"

"Ya I thought you would be a while with her." I said but paused after hearing him sigh. "Why does it feel like were a couple?" I asked knowing he was probably thinking the same thing.

"I have no idea but I kinda like how it feels."

"Ok you are way to tired maybe I should take you home so you can get some sleep before the party."

"No I'm fine I have practice after school so I can't. But maybe when I get home you can take a nap with me." He said hopefully.

"If we can distract Kass and Jake then hell yeah. You need it and it was my fault you didn't get it."

"It's not your fault. You should probably eat." He said pulling my lunch over from across the table.  When I started eating he rapped his arms around my waist and pulled me on his lap so it was eaiser for him to sleep and me to eat.

"Aww! You guys are soo cute." Kass said making all the people at our lunch table turn their heads to look over at me and Noah.

"What are you doing on Noah's lap Scar?"Jake asked not looking happy.

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