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disclaimer: all events, places, and characters mentioned in this story are absolutely fiction. any similarities to other media are purely coincidental. One Direction in this book is in no way affiliated with the real 1D, aside from their name and looks. this story may contain themes such as mild language. These are my ideas and characters that are protected under federal copyright law, so do not steal or plagiarize them.

Megan's POV

The rock music was playing all through the place , there was a party going on at my neighbour's house. It was ten in the night. I was sat on the packing boxes watching some video's on my laptop since I was not in the mood of unpacking my things. The flight was pretty hectic and this party at my neighbours place is too loud to sleep through. Finally I fell asleep in the middle of a night routine video.

A thud wakes me up , I jerk a bit but continue sleeping on the uncomfortable cardboard packing box. The sound came again , but this time louder. I walk towards the front door. The sun's light literally blinds my eyes from the window . It's morning so fast. I open the door to reveal an over tattooed boy with blond hair , holding a can of beer. "How can I help you?" I say rubbing my eyes. "I just wanted to say Welcome to the neighbourhood!" He says happily , I instantly smile. "Thanks , What's your name?" I asked him , "Niall , yours?" He asked "Megan , but call me Meg" I say. "Is that an accent I hear?" "Yes, actually I am from Doncaster , U.K." I say to my friendly neighbour. "Oh , I wanted to give you something" He says and before I can react he sprays the beer on my face and runs back to his house while laughing. What an idiot. "I hate you!! You stupid Neil Niall , whatever your name is!! I'm gonna get back to you!!" I shout angrily .

It takes me about ten minutes to wipe off all the beer from my face. The bell rings from the front door, I wipe my face off with a towel and race downstairs to open the door. I peak through the keyhole this time , a muscular boy with a few tattoos comes in site a large box rests in his hands and a warm smile on his face. I do not make the mistake of opening the door , he might be one of that Neil guy's people. I get a water bottle from the kitchen and as soon as I open the door I spray the whole bottle on him. "Hey! What did you that for he says in a British accent. I immediately regret it. "Oh my god , I'm so so sorry!" I squeak , grabbing a towel from one of my packing boxes I help him wipe off all the water. "So why did you do that?" he asks calmly. I explain this mornings events and how Niall sprayed beer on me. "Oh so that's where all the shouting was coming from" He chuckles and I laugh with him. "So what's your name?" I ask him. "Liam. Liam Payne. You?" and instantly become friends. "I better get going , I have to go to work" he says "where do you work?" "V radio, I'm actually a radio jockey and my show's called Just Payne" He smiles. "I'll surly listen to your show today" I say.

"Oh and these are for you" he says handing me the box , I took a look at it the name read The Styles Bakery "it's just a few cupcakes made by my friend Harry, he's an excellent baker!" he boasts. "Thanks so much Liam , I really appreciate it!" I tell him and he leaves but not before telling me "Welcome to the neighbourhood"


Chapter 1 posted

hope you guys liked it , let me know in the comments below

Oh and One Direction are not famous here

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I love you all!!!


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