Chapter 10:

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Screech! The car came to a sudden stopped.

It was black with tinted windows, meaning I couldn't see who was inside.

The drivers door opened and it was a boy who appeared to be about 19.

He was quite handsome, with a near perfect smile. His blonde hair was lightly tasseled and he had some of the darkest brown eyes I had ever seen.

"Aye, can't let a young lady like yourself roam around at this time of night. Why are you out here at this hour?" He raised an eyebrow and walked over to me coolly.

"Well.." I was trying to figure out weather or not I should be honest with him.

"I went for a walk and time flew by, it didn't occur to me how late it was.." I was telling the truth for the most part.

"Ah, I see. If you want a ride I'll take you, no problem." He was standing right next to me, he was about as tall as Chris, maybe slightly shorter.

"I'm not supposed to-"

"Take up on offers from strangers? I know, but I can't be more than a year or two older than you. I'm not that scary am I?" He smiled with generosity.

I didn't reply, I was debating if I should go with him or not.

"Tell you what, my names Anthony, I'm 18 years old, I live down the road. You can come to my house, sleep on my bed and even lock the door if you want. It's a bit late for you to be walking around and you might end up getting yourself into some trouble."

I studied him, still having a mental debate with myself.

"Okay fine, but only one night, and we'll leave in the morning."

"Sounds like a plan," he grinned.

He walked over to the passenger door, opened it, then gestured for me to take a seat. I must be stupid for going into a random boys car, especially after being kidnapped not too long ago.

He didn't set off any bells in my head saying to keep my distance so I currently had no reason not to trust him. Not to long after, we pulled up at what must be his house.

He was only 18, but no other cars were parked. Where were his parents?

As if he read my mind, "My dad... doesn't live here anymore. My mom isn't home often, and she works nights. That means no ones home right now."

Just what I needed, he better not try anything.

I laughed nervously.

"I won't hurt you, I promise," his voice was gentle which made me relax a bit.

He cautiously came over and grabbed my hand slowly to see if I was alright with it. I nodded approvingly as he guided me into the house, passing through the living room and leading me to the kitchen.

He pulled out a chair for me and I sat down.

"So, you want anything to eat, or a drink maybe? I'll give you something packaged or sealed until you feel you can trust me if you want." Anthony asked.

"No thanks.." I moved uncomfortably in my seat.

"Uh, want to tell me about yourself mam?" He said in an almost teasing way.

"Well.. my names Alexa, I'm 16.."

He smiled reassuringly. "Alright you don't have to add anything on. Tired? You look exhausted."

"Yeah. I'll sleep-"

"You can have my bed for the night. Lock it if you feel inclined to." I stood up just as he left the room to guide me to the bed.

"Here it is, it's not much, but it's better than the couch. Well where are my manners? You're soaked, how could I have not realized!" He ran to his closet, grabbing a baggy t-shirt with some loose fitting shorts.

In all honesty, I was so distracted not even I noticed how bad I looked.

I reached my hand out to take the clothes, he left the room without a word, as he closed the door behind him.

My clothes were so soaked that they had to be peeled off of my body. It even leaked through to my underwear and bra, making them nearly transparent.

I pulled the shirt over my face, it was practically a nightgown. I decided not to put on the shorts since they were way too big on me. Instead, I put on a pair of his boxers, I mean hey, they were washed.

I opened the door to see Anthony waiting just outside of it. He looked me up and down not just once, but twice!

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." He laughed at my sarcasm.

"Sorry, I can't help it, you're wearing my clothes and I'm not used to it. Not to be creepy, but you look really cute right now."

I blushed. My face was turning rosy and I could feel it.

"Thanks.. Anthony.."

"Not a problem, Alexa. Alright, time for bed miss." He chuckled.

I didn't move.

"Well, go on, don't be shy, I'm not going with you." Anthony laughed again.

I still stayed in place.

"What's gotten into you Alexa?" He looked at me in confusion.

"I- um- do you have a nightlight.." I blurted out.

He smirked, "Wh- are you scared of the dark?"

"No- I just sleep better in houses that aren't mine when I can see."

"Unfortunately I don't have a light other than the one on my ceiling, but that's too bright, huh."

"I can't sleep in the dark in a strangers house.."

"I won't touch you, I won't even go near you if you if that makes you feel better."

He was being awfully nice to me being that he picked me up off the road.

I stuttered, "can- can y- you.. Um leave the door open?"

"Sure, but I thought you don't feel safe here?"

"I'm afraid of the dark, the house I used to sleep in, I mean.. my house, always had a bit of light to make me feel better." Am I sure I'm even a teenager? Nope.

"Hmm, well I can assure you you're safe here. I'll sleep right outside the door and make sure no monsters get you." Anthony winked.

"Don't make fun of me, I'm not brave, sorry." I couldn't help but laugh at myself.

Just then, the doorbell rang.

Anthony looked at me, "I'm not expecting anyone."

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