Chapter 8

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I froze where I stood. My blood pounded in my veins making hearing difficult. Did he just say what I thought he had? I turned back slowly to look in the direction of his bed. Billy was propped up on an elbow looking back at me.

Well... I guess I definitely wasn't imagining things. I gulped down hard ignoring the sudden dryness of my throat, and simply stared back.

It was a long while later before he spoke again I was beyond words myself so was not disinclined to see if he had a suggestion to get through this awkwardness.

"If you're having a nightmare, its okay to sleep here with me. The bed is big enough for the two of us," Billy said softly.

I stood still and mute. The bed wasn't big enough..we both knew that. It was a double bed and it barely sustained his incredible size let alone having mine in there..too.

I trembled in anticipation of being crowded in there.. by him.

"Was it the bora bora? Are you still affraid of that?" Billy whispered huskily into the quiet stillness of the night. I automatically shook my head at that then regretted that action for it offered the perfect opportunity to accept his invitation. I would like to try it... just this once.

"Its okay to be afraid. I used to be, remember," he said again.

That I did remember. We were kids back then and Billy tricked me into staying up at night to watch a horror film when our parents had gone to bed. I had snuck downstairs with him and sat on the couch while he turned on the TV on low volume. That had been my first and last horror film. Not because I had been afraid but because Billy had been. He had slept in my room that night claiming he was protecting me from the Bora Bora who might visit that night as we had been naughty enough to stay up to watch the movie.

I had agreed back then sensing he needed my company. Just as I sense his need now... his urgency. How he was carefully wording his request to make sure I stayed. Knowing that he wanted me there elated me onto a new high.

I took a hesitant step forward then paused.I wasn't sure. This was a big step but then he was climbing out of the bed and walking up to me. He placed a gentle hand on mine to lead me forward. I stumbled forward into his embrace and my sensations went on overdrive.

I was breathing hard and fast by the time the back of my legs hit the side of the bed. Then I was on it and Billy was draped around me like a comforting blanket. I tucked in and closed my eyes and gave in to a dire need of a good night's sleep.

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